Monday 3 August 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 22 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 22 by AverageMansReview

WWE: I was eating a jacket potato and watching someone else's wrestling material [I don't know if I have ever mentioned this; but I always try to keep an eye on wrestling, so basically when you think I am not doing much content on wrestling I am always in the background.]

But I digress; I am absolutely tremendously delighted that the WWE are crashing and burning slowly but surely. I don't say that because it makes me happy [I know I have just contradicted myself,] I say that because it has been many, many years in the making and I don't apologize for having this perspective, because it has been between 15 to 20 years now from the legendary characters/performers going from full time, to part-time to retirement and there hasn't been anyone coming up behind them to replace them [readymade replacements.]

So what do you expect me to say really; I mean if we are being really honest this company is being run like it was still the late 1970's and early 80's so I have no sympathy for the majority of this company; the only section I feel sorry for is any form of NXT, because yes I don't have access to this; but it has universal praise within the wrestling community I mainly feel sorry for them based on the grounds down there they work their posteriors off to make the best product they can and the second reason is as they get demoted [yes I now see this as a demotion not a call-up to Raw or SmackDown they will get the squashed treatment or nowhere near to their true potential.]

Just for a very quick list just to prove my point; Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Rusev [officially retired now,] Neville [I wonder what ever happened to him?] Oh yes before this global situation he was kicking posterior in a little wrestling company known as All Elite Wrestling under the name of Pac, The Kabuki Warriors individually Asuka [her time on the Main Rosters can be seen as mixed, but I still believe she is not being used to the level of her full potential;] Kairi Sane [I didn't see much of this character/performer but I know the WWE screwed up this golden opportunity to make her into a massive star,] Amber Moon [a fully fit and able to wrestle Ember Moon,] The Riott Squad [together or individually this company has once again screwed up with these three members; Rudy Riot, Liv Morgan or Sarah Logan [Logan is now retired] and of course SAnitY [yes I am still sore about this; I was hearing so many excellent things about them in the land of gold and black, but it never ever got a chance to be anything but a forgotten act or even worse a squash act.]

But the biggest problem I have with this entire situation is; Mr. McMahon wants all the power, but he doesn't want any of the responsibility for his actions or company for one example firing Paul Heyman as Executive Producer of Raw and basically using him as a scapegoat, when in fact it should be Mr. McMahon putting himself on the sword and stepping down.

The man clearly has no concept of wrestling or the world outside of wrestling I feel incredibly comfortable saying that; based on his latest crazy idea of bringing back the Nation of Domination, because I am Caucasian I have to choose my words very carefully, basically they were a Black Panthers group in the WWF [World Wrestling Federation] in the late 1990's now WWE [World Wrestling Entertainment,] so this is just speculation mixed in with it seems convenient and Mr. McMahon likes to exploit real-life; the Black Lives Matter movement and Mr. McMahon comes up with the stupid absolutely  stupid idea to bring back this group; it is one of those rare occasions where I say thank you to whomever talked him out of this idea; my hat would be coming off to you if I wore one.

Now if it should happen that someone from outside of the wrestling bubble is reading this; to cover my back I just want to say if this group was to come back; it wouldn't be a case of if this company do something wrong to instigate this real-life situation somehow it would be more of a case of when; as in when they do something of bad taste which would be knowing them as I do it would be every week just to get TV ratings [happy viewing or angry viewing it doesn't make a difference to this company; it is just about the numbers of viewers.]

How about when this company actively fights against its Universe [audience/viewers,] first or second time around with Roman Reigns, Becky Lynch to begin with, Rusev Day, Brock Lesnar holding Championships hostage, not establishing any Tag Team Divisions properly and with depth be it the Men's or Women's, not having an established Mid-Card with likewise depth for either the Intercontinental Championship or the United States Championship, the overreliance on Charlotte, Baron Corbin running Raw [I shudder when I remember those dark days,] storylines which are either controversial or in bad taste, promising things and not delivering them or going back on them, doing things to entertain just one person [Mr. McMahon] and these are just things off the top of my head.

So anyone with half a brain cell can see the problem here; eventually what will happen is what we are seeing right now with this company; you may like or dislike AEW but at least they see their audience/viewers as part of the family and working with them and not against them.

Now moving on to something different AJ Style have you quite finished crying yet? No really; have you just about finished crying about Heyman, Gallows & Anderson? Full disclosure I haven't done any major research on the subject, but allow me to enlighten you AJ Styles; let me put it like this when you work in a snake pit for lots and lots and lots and lots of money don't cry when eventually you get bitten by a snake.

Meaning everyone knows even their Universe knows that backstage all the way to the top it is like a snake pit, so even if it was Heyman or Mr. McMahon that released your boys Gallows & Anderson [I don't deal in rumours,] but in this case I will allow it; because just to put you in the picture of the situation; there are two rumours going around this company the it was either Heyman that was instrumental in Gallows & Anderson being released [being nice to their face but a different story behind their back,] by persuading Mr. McMahon by saying he had nothing for them, which Mr. McMahon confirmed this to Styles [which how naïve is Styles here; Mr. McMahon isn't going to say "Yes it was me"of course he is going to blame someone else to save their being friction between himself and Styles or the other rumour is it was Mr. McMahon that decided on Gallows & Anderson's release; but from my perspective and I am just saying, it is just worthwhile pointing out that I have never heard of somebody persuading Mr. McMahon to release somebody, I have heard plenty of times if he wants someone gone their days are numbered, but I could be wrong to be fair and balanced; I'm just saying I've never heard of this scenario.] But whatever the case may be the established characters/performers you are individually or as a trio you get paid lots and lots of money to keep your mouth amicable and not outspoken like Styles has been until you leave the company [like Gallows & Anderson have been since leaving] this is what I don't get; you seriously cannot be under the impression that with these massive contracts that the established characters/performers signed the WWE don't expect a certain level of compliance behaviour [yes you can be outspoken but not to the level and way of Styles] and of what I've heard Styles was the reason that Gallows & Anderson re-signed with the WWE in the first place, so it is on Styles, Gallows & Anderson for re-signing in the first place and not Heyman and Mr. McMahon [it has just come to my attention that I have just inadvertently stuck up for Mr. McMahon; this is one of those incredibly rare occasions.]

Now you may be wondering why I am being quite aggressive here; I have two very good reasons; 1 as I have already said this place is like a snake pit so if I was to work for them [I wouldn't] but if I had to I would keep my mouth shut and trust that someone is going to stab me in the back at some point and 2; AJ Styles is 43 years old [when this was first dictated,] so at some point he may want to consider growing up, I would expect or somewhat tolerate or somewhat understand if he was in his 20's to mid-beginning late 30's at most of this behaviour but after this age range I would take the approach I have here and I am not sticking up for Heyman or Mr. McMahon here, but how many more times do I have to say this; this place is a snake pit.

Moving on Booker T you can shut up as well as it relates to Naomi and the relating hash tags; yes she deserves better, because she has done her time, she can wrestle, she is charismatic; yes she is still a little bit green. But that is not her fault; the green I am speaking of just comes from a lack of screen time, if she was given time her character/she would grow on screen consequently she wouldn't be green anymore and if she was given better when her career is all said and done at least she won't be remembered for doing one move [the Spinaroonie.]

All Elite Wrestling: straight off the bat it is way too early to have Sammy Guevara return after just a month away after the situation with WWE's Sasha Banks, he needed to be away for a reasonable amount of time something like three months.

Now I know this has a very small percentage of happening but you never say never in the world of professional wrestling, but I don't want Styles anywhere near this company, as you may have guessed by now yes he is the phenomenal AJ Styles, but his mouth has tarnished his reputation, just because he complains so much it has finally really annoyed me, I have lost respect for him if I was to be honest. Let me put it this way if at some point he debuted for this company I would want fire in his belly and not continuously coming out of his mouth, but I have spent 2 seconds just thinking about it I still wouldn't want him in this company just for the fact there is a possibility he would unsettle the backstage atmosphere and I don't think AEW would have enough tissues on hand if he began crying again.

Now as everyone should know by now I do try and research my material, as it relates to the next/final topic I do remember watching it but I cannot find the source again [from now on I will bookmark my sources so when it comes to reassuring myself when it comes to doing these blogs I know it is there;] but I know if I don't bring this up I will be getting backlash for not trying to be fair between these two companies.

Jim Ross; has in short said that if he still had a pencil in his hand you wouldn't do men vs. women, now I do respect JR a lot, but we have a difference of opinion here which is cool, I am of the mindset that this could be/should be the evolution of wrestling, a consistent option at the very least [yes I am aware that other companies do men vs. women;] I must stress I support mixed gender wrestling providing it looks and feels like wrestling and not look and feel like any form of domestic violence like JR's previous employers used to do in segments or matches many moons ago so briefly wrestling cool, domestic violence not cool, just to cover my back because it will be on my mind apologies if I have got the wrong end of the stick with this JR situation, I don't think so but it will do my head in if I didn't put this line in and yes I am quickly trying to get this done today, just because I began it some days ago and for those contents makers within the wrestling community should know as I do as well things quickly change so I'm just trying to get this out before it becomes too old news.

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