Monday 17 August 2020

Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/flashing effects/medical procedures components/impaling/decapitation

Storyline: it is solid; the ending stages of the previous film [Universal Soldier 1992] has this recap of the final scene/re-shot with these performers in it instead of the original cast which you will see in the opening stages to this film and this sequel goes on from there, but other than that you know it knows what it is and sticks to the plan but it does leave things on a question-mark of what happens next? The pacing can be seen in the same light as well; it does this combination thing with the background music, where the background music gets used/played over these sequences to do this kind of how the viewers should be feeling thing, but instead it comes over as dating this film [as in this film is so from the 1990's.]

Action/Comedy/Art: now off the top of my head there is one scene where the action and the comedy go hand-in-hand; in a brief description because I don't want to give too much of the film away, it is where we have this mobile unit exploding with this opera music playing in the background, then we have the comedy and the art going hand-in-hand as well it is where we have this hitchhiker character playing this acoustic guitar singing with Luc Devreaux/GR44/Battaglia singing a little.

Yes individually in the action we have the usual weapons being used and combat and there are other elements of comedy which can be found in the dialogue exchanges.

Moving on to the art as an individual component; there are a small amount of good-looking skies and mountains with snow on in one scene and there is this wheatfield at this farm, but there is one scene which is so, so very ugly; it is where you have the Capitol building [Washington DC, USA] there isn't anything wrong with the building but the special effects sky is just as I have already said so, so ugly it sticks out like a sore thumb you won't be able to miss it; it will get your attention which is good, but also bad, because it will get your attention for the wrong reasons.

Characters/Performances: these character developments, performances and on-screen chemistry are generally speaking straightforward and they are what they are which is safe and reliable. But between Luc Devreaux/GR44/Battaglia and his older Brother Sgt. Eric Devreaux/GR5/Wincott there is a lot more brought to the table between this connection as it relates to chemistry, comedy and more importantly they pull this film out of the poor section of my marking system.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed: it is okay it fulfils its purpose from the perspective of it moves things along and it does follow the recipe of what an action/science-fiction film title should be like.



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