Sunday 23 August 2020

The Marine 3: Homefront 2013 by AverageMansReviews

The Marine 3: Homefront 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/flashing effects/attempted sexual assault element

Storyline: where do I start; the storyline taking until the 27th minute to get started even though in theory this storyline should have been something safe and reliable, but things do get left on a question-mark of what happened next?; the pacing is really slow, even when this film gets going it has this ability to look and feel really slow, I mean the only time this project feels like it is moving better is when we have Sgt. Jake Carter/'The Miz' Mizanin driving this Sheriff Police vehicle right towards the end of the film.

Action/Art: we do get some elements later on in this film where these two components work hand-in-hand, they start when we have this SWAT team [just to cover my back I am not sure if they are SWAT but this is what they look like to me so I could be wrong;] taking on these terrorists on this dilapidated old ferry boat the camera shots are from the perspective of first-person shooter or later on in another sequence of events from behind the character/performer in question's back over the shoulder.

Action; individually now we do get Marine training and missions, weapons being used, combat and chasing.

Art; individually here are just one or two elements for you to look out for; there is this ferry boat coming into this scene on the water and you have this train with trailers coupled to it.

Characters/Performances: the character developments, the performances and the on-screen chemistry now once again in theory these should have been likewise something safe and reliable; but in reality there is only one that really stands out for me and that is Jonah Pope/Neal McDonough; he takes these character developments and runs with them creating genuine-on screen chemistry; the terrorists characters/performers that work under him are what you expect them to be, consequently they bring the on-screen chemistry that reflects that also. But for everyone else yes they character developments are straightforward, but their on-screen chemistry is as flat as a pancake and lifeless.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; so let's try to leave this review on a positive if there are any fans of Neal McDonough out there in Internet land; he does a lot for this project so take a look at this film but as you can probably tell by now don't expect too much.

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