Saturday 22 August 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 25 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 25 by AverageMansReview

Warning: at some points in this blog I will be discussing the #SpeakingOut movement on both sides of this divide

WWE: first things first just to cover my back; now I had made a tiny mistake as it relates to Mr. McMahon's age in the previous Volume, I have just now changed it, but if it should happen I have done it again somewhere else I apologize for any inconvenience; when this blog was being first dictated he is 74 years old but soon-to-be 75 years old.

So I will begin with #SpeakingOut I have to ask WWE what the hell are you doing with Velveteen Dream? He should be absolutely nowhere around a wrestling ring or TV programming until this alleged extremely inappropriate behaviour situation or situations has been resolved 100% either way [before I get any complaints, I am using the English I am using, so when this goes up I know it is safe for everyone of any age to read and it shows I am being unbiased here, but now I've said that I can say; it looks far from good for Velveteen Dream.]

I can understand why some of the WWE performers are far from happy with Dream's preferential treatment with this cloud hanging over him, because of his backstage behavior being a problem the belief is; if it was anyone else they would have been fired by now but from Triple H. saying something to the effect of; we took him off screen due to his car accident and not these allegations, we couldn't find anything; for what we were looking for in these allegations, but if there is something there; we'll take a serious look into it. [I should point out my version is just a short version.] The people that have alleged these allegations have come forward and said they haven't been contacted by the WWE..

All I have left to say on this subject is; for me as an outsider this just sounds and looks like another completely mismanaged situation.

Moving on; so Shane McMahon is going to be in creative control of Raw what fun that will be; Not! As Bruce Prichard is looking to offload some of his workload which to be fair to Prichard he isn't young as of this blog he is 57 years old, but I predict the same old stuff from Shane McMahon as if Prichard or Mr. McMahon was still in control of this Brand, because he is a similar mold a person, just a bit younger than Prichard being in his early 50's and I see the PG-13 Era is gone; now welcome TV 14 [this basically means content for this age range and parents are unlikely to let children watch,] so when if this company going to learn it isn't about the material, it is about putting on a consistent quality programming that people will watch or at minimum series-link it.

I know some people out there are going to hate what I'm going to say next; I mean all the WWE has to do is look at AEW from the perspective of the programming is structured, they advertise it and 9 times out of 10 they give it, unless there is an unforeseen issue or we are in the circumstances we are in, but I have just realized I am asking the WWE to do something which is straightforward and in theory it should be easy to put out structured programming, but the WWE have a reputation of constantly tearing up the scripts, so this is one of those rare occasions where I am going to be nice about this company; put in place short-term to medium term plans [baby steps first then long-term plans eventually] and stick by what you say when you say it or if you can't give them what you have advertise [the audience] the honest reason why it isn't happening and then the more you rebuild trust with your viewing audience, the more they will come back.

So what I am suggesting is; this company is heavily broken on many aspects, until they take an outside approach to something like I have just suggested in the previous paragraph it doesn't matter what programming you have on. For one massive example just have one normal Men's and Women's Tag Team Champions and have them go across your three Brands, it creates Two Divisions with depth and variety and then depending on how serious they want to take Raw Underground create a Men's and Women's Tornado Tag Division with Champions or if they wanted to get really creative they could do a mixed teams Division with Champions, but with one stipulation; once you are Champion you cannot leave here until you have been defeated [I think my normal tag team idea is much more realistic and long-term stable.]

Please WWE let this #WWEThunderDome and your viewing audiences get used to this organically, this could work and should work, just don't shove it down their necks, don't mention it every 5 seconds let things happen naturally [in short don't screw this up.]

RETRIBUTION are coming off as a joke, regardless if it is the real/characters/performers under their masks or not, as far as I'm concerned whomever is under their you represent the  RETRIBUTION brand/potential merchandise sales so let's try to make it look respectable and yes I have only seen a clip of them in action, but let's just say their reputation is; what reputation.

So the NXT head writer [Joe Belcastro] has left the WWE, even though I don't watch this Brand [just because I don't have access to it,] concerns me because since it turned into a serious third Brand it has nothing but glowing universal praise and I don't want that to change. Renée Young has also left this company on one hand this is very sad news, but on the other hand this is great news because her talents and skills were being wasted in this company and not forgetting when she contracted this global situation the WWE were not best pleased that she made it public knowledge, so hopefully see her somewhere soon that will appreciate her as a person, her talents and skills.

All Elite Wrestling: so on #SpeakingOut this time as it relates to Jimmy Havoc, I have to say I know this topic is not a good topic #SpeakingOut I greatly prefer this company's dealing with this situation, they issued a statement basically supporting him whilst he was seeking help [this is currently unknown if he seeked helped or not] and then they will address it and obviously now they have addressed it by letting him go. I am really disappointed that they decided to release Bea Priestley, I get the reason being travel restrictions because of this global situation, but still I am really disappointed and I get why AEW took this course of action as well and unfortunately once again because of the travel restrictions Sadie Gibbs was also released.

Finally Brandi Rhodes; what can I say? Before I continue I would like to state I am not getting on the bandwagon or her back, but from somebody that is the same age as her and incredibly street-smart coming back on to Twitter so soon after leaving the platform and making a big thing about it as well you're just not helping yourself here, in fact she is just asking for it [I do not condone any of the comments she has received.] I am specifically talking about the short incredibly short break from this platform. I would have given it a couple of months at least then acknowledge I am back on here after a breakaway; say something like "You can't keep a good woman down.“ put a line under the situation and move on; on Twitter; But she has left herself wide open for a negative backlash and given them ammunition as well.

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