Friday 14 August 2020

Riot 2015/2016 by AverageMansReviews

Riot 2015/2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are colourful effects/bodily functions

Storyline: it is of a straightforward format; the pacing is a little bit stop and start, this project on both counts be it the storyline or the pacing and movement; is not comfortable rotating from what is happening inside this prison to outside and back again, it is much more stable and happy settling down in the confines of this prison and moving forward.

Action/Comedy/Art: the action and the comedy go hand-in-hand [for a small amount of occasions] for one example we have our lead role Stone/Reese being attacked by these men in his cell [for this bounty which has been placed on his head by Balam/Liddell,] but throughout this entire scene Stone's/Reese cellmate [Silva/Williams] is fast asleep on the top bunk with these headphones on with music playing; the action separately; there are these two criminals running down the side of this building using these black wire ropes to accomplish this [after a little bit of research this is what I think they are, but I could be wrong] and we have Alena/Ryan going around in the air ducts, yes just for the record there are weapons being used, combat and chasing.

Art; there are some good looking scenes watch out for the airplane in one scene, but there are some occasions where things are a little bit too bright, I am not overly criticizing them; but more like pointing them out and saying I am aware of them [let's just say you may need sunglasses when you see them.]

Characters/Performances: the character types are the standard for this type of project, the performances including the on-screen chemistry are a mixture; it works to solid to something safe and reliable to good [outside the prison to inside the prison.] A special note has to go out to Balam/Liddell he is a perfect kingpin type character in this film.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; I mean when this film settles down more or less inside the confines of this prison then it is a solid film and if there are any fans of Dolph Lundgren out there in Internet land he is in this film as William [supporting role.]

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