Thursday 2 July 2020

Cross the Line 2015 [alternative name Operator] by AverageMansReviews

Cross the Line 2015 [alternative name Operator] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

 Storyline/Characters/Performances: because the first two components of this paragraph go hand-in-hand make sense for me to group them together and it will stop me from repeating myself.

 The storyline had potential for a decent section at the beginning [I will deliberately not tell you when it begins to go downhill, but I will get on to that in due course.] But this film has that kind of Saw feel to it [you know, this individual is being forced to do something to realize what they had or to save someone.]

But then it goes and screws things up quite spectacularly; it tells its viewers with 100% transparency that this character/performer is involved in this ongoing situation; let me put it this way from the first time it tells its viewers [my thinking] "Okay that was a little bit obvious that this character/performer may be involved, but I could still be wrong" to the fourth time where he is holding the mobile transmitter detonator and pressing on the screen "Okay we get it you are involved but thank you for clearing the whole confusion up for me there, I am not sure I could have got that with the other obvious hints, I am not to sure I could have connected the dots myself there, you are telling me I did all that worrying for nothing; okay I am done with this project." Yes I really don't care that there was a third character/performer involved as well.

 Performances; these are solid in every way shape and form, they are doing their job.

 Action/Art: now for one example of the action sequences; we have this Laurie deliberately crashing so it uses its trailer [swinging round side-on to take this Police vehicle's top off with our lead character [Miller/Goss] and a supporting character/performer [Howard/Paré] still in this vehicle.

 Art; it is in the scenery with the Sun or at night with these array of lights which are hanging out in these bulb shape and the other bits and pieces in this location.

 This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; every time this film made a hint to this character/performer being involved; it just sent this project tumbling down the marking scale.

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