Friday 3 July 2020

Tully 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Tully 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is a mental disability and mental health components to this film

Storyline: it is good; the pacing and the atmosphere are firmly structured to deal with what it has to deal with at that specific time, but also to keep the film moving.

Action/Art: these two elements go hand-in-hand here; this underwater sequence of events is excellent and eye-catching; this is great art; Marlo; Mother/Theron and Sarah; Daughter/Frankland singing on this karaoke machine together and there is this heavy-metal band performing in this project as well.

Characters/Performances: now on the whole first the characters/performances from everyone involved minus two characters/performers are all good on every level.

Now on to Marlo/Theron and Tully/Davis; between these two there is excellent on-screen chemistry that makes this film excellent viewing and more importantly they put over to their audience how this particular mental illness [I cannot be too specific here, because that is the point of the film; so just to cover my back I know all mental health illnesses are important; I have a mental illness myself.] But I digress they really do highlight the importance of making sure after this a joyous occasion, there is support in place in one way or another or at minimum an open dialogue exchange between the parents just in case this situation should arise, I mean there should always be an open dialogue anyway in a relationship, but especially in this situation so that both parents can talk about things, pick up things and other signs that something isn't alright.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; yes this film has a rocky opening section, but on reflection this is to illustrate to the viewers what Marlo/Theron is going through or having to go through on a daily basis to get to this point; it does an excellent job of highlighting this particular mental illness.

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