Saturday 30 May 2020

Foolproof 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Foolproof 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects in this project

Storyline/Characters/Performances: in one way or another these three components go hand-in-hand; the storyline should have been something safe and reliable, but in reality it comes across as a disjointed mess.

Now for some strange reason this film begins really lively and it wants to move quickly, but it isn't moving anywhere in the film quickly [so in a nutshell we have this lively atmosphere including noticeable background music, but the film isn't doing much.]

But unfortunately when the storyline and this lively movement and atmosphere sink up together, it doesn't last, after this one element [Sam/Booth gets slapped in the face by Gillette/Suchet,] things slowly but surely begin to snowball downhill where things collapse [on a small side note I don't think highly of this element, she just has to stand there and take it; whilst she is clearly ready to fight him, possibly the reason why she just takes it is; this character/performer could do something much worse or get someone to do something much worse in some way or another]

The movement and this film either becomes monotonous or predictable and I really don't care about these big reveal components roughly around the closing section of this project and including the character developments; they don't help either; they are just a cliché and as it relates to one specific character/performer they really do push on these character developments hard [as it relates to Rob/Jarsky.]

By the way I should point out that I am not criticizing Rob/Jarsky. When you come to watch this film, these performances/on-screen chemistry is at worst something solid and at best has untapped potential, but generally speaking, if they were instructed for their characters to come off the way they have then they have achieved that.

Action/Comedy: for one example of the action the viewers see in this rough description of this scene Sam/Booth shooting this gun with this substance on to this keypad to press in the right code which is some distance away and not forgetting there is these infrared beams in this scene as well; this is good.

Comedy; it is a monologue or in the dialogue exchanges, but there is one element I can discuss; Kevin/Reynolds goes into this location and distracts this character/performer by doing this; empty my bag routine which it has lots and lots of rubbish in it.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; now after everything is said and done this mark is a fair outcome, but to leave this review on a positive if there are either fans of Ryan Reynolds or David Suchet a.k.a. [Hercule Poirot] in the UK TV program Poirot or its alternative name Agatha Christie's Poirot out there in Internet land take a look at this film, but I wouldn't expect too much that is all I am going to say.

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