Friday 29 May 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 66: Bloom of Doom by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 66: Bloom of Doom by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects in this episode.

Storyline: this is something solid; it knows what it is doing from beginning to end, but somewhere before the final quarter things do quicken up, which is a good thing, because if it didn't this episode was looking at a noticeably different mark.

The Power Rangers' helmets: here is something for you to look out for; we have some of The Power Rangers' helmets in the background when we are/they are in the Command Center on top of another computer section [not on top of the computers themselves as in the buttons and all of that,] but just on top of this computer section to the Command Center; this is great art to have these helmets in a row [Blue, Black, Red and Green.]

Double-team: Trini/The Yellow Ranger and Kimberly/The Pink Ranger perform this double-team where Kimberly/The Pink Ranger jumps off Trini/The Yellow Ranger's shoulders and up into mid-air to fire her Power Bow; this is excellent.

This episode receives: 6/10, this is one of those episodes that gets better the more you watch of it.

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