Sunday 24 May 2020

Average Extra of: Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of:  Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Just a heads up: now as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my blogs, but however I do have my ways around it as you will read.

Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020: this film triggered this blog, [on a quick side note this film review will be dropping around the festive period.] So obviously I won't be discussing it out and out, but I will be using some elements of it because they make absolutely fantastic points.

What the hell DC Extended Universe or Worlds of DC or whatever the name is now?: Frankly who cares what the name is; there is an old expression in this case I will adapt this expression; "You can dress up a pile of donkey diarrhea, but at the end of the day it is still a pile of donkey diarrhea."

So in the DCEU there are only three films that I have reviewed that get high marks [positive to glowing] which are as follows; Wonder Woman 2017, Aquaman 2018 and Shazam! 2019 and the rest are poor or mixed; the mixed one being Justice League 2017 [full disclosure I haven't reviewed Man of Steel 2013 under this name yet, but it is no way going to either be positive or glowing.

I am not here to point out the obvious facts that the Marvel Cinematic Universe are in a completely different league to the DCEU, but let's make this as fair as I can MCU began with Iron-Man in 2008 whilst the DCEU began with Man of Steel in 2013.

MCU as of 2020 has 23 films to its name; whilst the DCEU has 8 films to its name as of this blog being published; I will just leave these statistics here and just say if there is or isn't there isn't much of a contest here and there are other statistics I could bring up but I don't want to, because I'm not here to do a comparison, because as you can clearly see there is no comparison or I'm not here to bury the DCEU either.

But I am here because I am absolutely fed up of the DCEU, now and again still throwing out film projects such as Justice League 2017 or more recently Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 without doing the background to a much better standard in other projects so they link to their project better or having any idea of what they are going to do with the Birds of Prey now they have brought them to the DCEU?

Now I am not going to lie I know a pinch of salt about the Birds of Prey, but without giving too much away I know, I know it is early days so things can change. But let me put things this way Harley Quinn/Robbie has guaranteed one more film coming up [yes there are others, but I like to deal with concrete facts whenever I can.]

Yet I have looked at these performers schedules of projects coming up as it relates to the Birds of Prey characters/performers and there is nothing there. I know I have said something to this effect in the Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 review, but what was the point of the film if you are not going to have any plans to bring them back?

Because this project wasn't an out and out sequel for Harley Quinn/Robbie, yet she will be the only one carrying the burden of the project into her next projects, it's not like the DCEU has many crown jewels that will make them lots of money at the box office they have as things stand; they have the three films I discussed earlier that are positive to glowing and they have Harley Quinn/Robbie and that is it.

Frankly the DCEU; needs to have a thing called structure to it, something like this for an example; have five films in one section which breaks down to two Light films and two Dark films [Light films = Superhero's perspective only, Dark films = Villain's perspective only and alternate between Light and Dark and in the fifth film you have the crossover the viewers can see all the perspectives in this film and yes if you're wondering interlocking characters such as a high ranking hench person or any character/performer like this can appear in both films.

Also not forgetting and I am not deliberately bringing this up, but it also sets the MCU and the DCEU as fundamentally sound from a producing film perspective as individuals doing their own style of Universes. Because as things are the DCEU more often than not are doomed to repeat their mistakes time and again [in short as a viewer you never quite know what standard of DCEU film you're going to get which I don't know about everyone else fills me of irritation nowadays in the back of my mind of "I wonder how they are going to screw this up?"

I want the MCU and the DCEU to be on a similar level and coming out with both different films but a very high standard and the MCU have been doing that for years, I am getting bored/frustrated at the DCEU yes their previous films to date were positive to glowing but their latest film Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 is just a shocking reminder of what they can come out with as well.

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