Monday 25 May 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 64: The Wanna-Be Ranger by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 64: The Wanna-Be Ranger by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects in this episode.

Storyline/Can our school friends;
The Power Rangers cope with things on their own: generally speaking this storyline is good, but I did have some issues with it the Alpha 5 component does absolutely nothing for me, whilst the Zordon component was too short, they should have brought him back near to the end of this episode, this could have been utilized better to see how The Power Rangers could cope as a group or in different numbers in their civilian attire or as The Power Rangers, I mean this would have potentially been great character developments.

Z Putty Patrollers or the Z-Putties: I have chosen to go with these names over just Putty Patroller or just Putties, because they are clearly different and clearly the next generation of the Putty Patrollers; this next-generation do give The Power Rangers at any time a good challenge, but however they do have one massive design flaw; on their chest is this massive Z in a circle, all someone has to do is hit on it and they will self-destruct, separate into segments with this white special-effects, but they are good action components nonetheless.

Bloopers: the first one; shouldn't Zordon have taken longer to come back like at least a day or something, because of the Planets taking time to move or something like this. The next one is where we have this Billy bad version aggressively talking to Alpha 5 talking about the Command Center in front of this little boy character Dylan [this is not the only time Dylan finds out priceless information,] then  we have Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger getting this hand mirror out of her I think boot, I say I think because we don't have a clear sight, but it sounds like it. So how did that get in there and I am sure she wouldn't carry it in her civilian foot attire in the first place, because that would just be uncomfortable [I mean when you come to watch this episode just look at the size of this hand mirror, I mean it is not exactly small,] the final one is where we have The Power Rangers going to stop Alpha 5 from self-destructing and if you listen out you can quite clearly hear Trini/The Yellow Ranger drop  Billy's name at a normal level of sound and as Dylan is right there he could and should have heard this and yes I don't care if he is about five years old or around this age range, in fact now taking two seconds to think about it that is worse, because he could let it slip at any time because young children have a habit of repeating things they hear regardless if it is good or bad or a secret.

This episode receives: 6/10, this mark represents this episode well, because it is a solid good episode based on my viewing experience, but like I have already said in this episode the Alpha 5 storyline component does absolutely nothing for me.

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