Saturday 23 May 2020

Half Past Dead 2 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Half Past Dead 2 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Storyline: well it is poor, it takes a long time to get going and even then it isn't the most quickest.

Action/Art/Comedy: there are weapons being used and combat, the only worthwhile element I could point out is this; Burke/Goldberg performs a spear [a wrestling move which he is well-known for performing his version of it] in this film. Moving on to the art we have this character/performer Twitch/Kurupt painting this picture on a wall and [in a tiny number of scenes] we have these eye-catching Sky/Clouds formations you will know them; when you see them and finally we have a drop of comedy which is likewise worth pointing out; right at the end of this film, where we have these two characters/performers one being Twitch and the other being Cherise/Conwell arguing about things so Burke gives off the impression "I will just leave them to it."

Character/Performances: this is one of those occasions that what you see is; what you get on both counts. I mean there is on-screen chemistry later on in one way or another but it does take so long to show through that these characters may as well be stuck in their factory default settings for much of this film.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; it is/was very hard work to get mentally switched back on when this film does ever so slightly and I will repeat that ever so slightly get better.






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