Wednesday 12 February 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 70: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 5 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 70: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 5 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is lots of fun

Storyline/Action sequences/Artistic visions: the viewers get given this recap; now the reason why I have put these three components together in this section is simply put they work off one another strongly and fluently in a nutshell if they had out and out carnage in mind for this episode they achieved that by an unlimited distance.

In every situation in this episode means something in the bigger picture of things, rotations from situation to situation to situation and back again, just gives every situation that we aren't seeing at that specific moment space to breathe, so the time we come back to it things have chaotically progressed.

Now specifically for the action sequences and the artistic visions, well they will grab your attention; for these two examples there is this reference to the NFL [but you will have to use your imagination, it will not take much let's just say it has a massive Transformers/science-fiction twist over this transforming cog] and we have this gigantic action sequence between one Decepticon vs. one Autobot [I like to drop in new characters names after an episode or episodes, so briefly if you were to watch these episodes in the right order, I can't bring up certain characters names but I can later on; it's just so I don't give too much information away at a specific time when it would spoil your viewing pleasure before you have seen the specific project in question.]

Character developments: Autobot [Ultra Magnus] gets respect off me in this episode, I am not changing my mind on him; he should have never been given the Matrix of Leadership [worst leader ever out of the three of them, just to cover my back I will say of this Generation and yes I am aware I have said  something like this before in a previous episode review.] But as a soldier, yes he will complain about something or other, but he is someone that any leader of the Autobots can reliably trust to get results or die trying, like in this episode he will lay his life on the line so that Rodimus Prime and other characters can escape.

Here is something for you to watch out for this Decepticon's character developments [Blitzwing,] they are excellently built into this episode as in; in this situation he has grown wiser and more complex as an individual character and that is all I can say about them [you will see what I mean when you come to watch this episode.]

This episode receives: 10/10, this is the only mark I had in mind for this episode; it is hard-hitting, action-packed from beginning to end.

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