Monday 10 February 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 69: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 4 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 69: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 4 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent

Warning: if your children or you are watching this with your children; there are elements of attempted suicides and kamikaze

Storyline/Origins storylines: we get this recap with voice-over; well this episode covers so, so, so much [I am not exaggerating.] I would have much more preferred if they had put the Rodimus Prime narrative in the next episode and given it much more time to work with [yes I can't say too much about this narrative let's just say when you come to watch this episode or seeing this specific narrative you will understand why I can't; after you have seen it you will come to appreciate why I can't.]

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts these two components offer this episode so much be it the Autobots battling with either the Decepticons without Galvatron or with Galvatron [yes Galvatron is far from happy this separate unit has betrayed him in his thinking process and his words.] So you have this unit of Decepticons stuck in the middle taking fire from in front of them and behind them as well. There are these transforming Bats which their robot mode is of a Bat [I should point out this is what I think they are; because they sound like Bats or I think this is what they are meant to be, but just to cover my back I could be completely wrong about this.] But transformed mode is of a missile. Now on one hand this is highly imaginative, but on the other hand aren't these characters committing kamikaze when they have hit their target [like a Wasp when they sting somebody,] but these characters go out with more of a bang to them [I have found out whilst listening to the recap of the next episode that these creatures/characters go by the name of Lightpolls or just in the interest of fairness and balance it could be Lightpoles or two separate words on either spelling.]

Character developments/Comedy level: now if we ever needed more evidence that Galvatron is unhinged mixed in with having no patience there is more evidence here in fact everywhere he goes it shows itself in one way or another be you ally or enemy nothing will stand in his way.

There are little bits and pieces of comedy for one example and it also highlights what I was saying in my previous paragraph basically we have Cyclonus with confusion in his voice "Attack who?" with that Galvatron [in his transformed mode of Cannon] shoots Cyclonus then [transforms into his robot mode] then with anger in his voice says Everyone!

This episode receives: 9/10, this episode has lots to offer; but when you see the Rodimus Prime narrative you will say to yourself "They should have given that much more time than what they have." I have one final thing left to say on the subject and then I will finish this review here; it really does feel like a missed opportunity here with this Rodimus Prime narrative

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