Thursday 13 February 2020

Geri's Game 1997/1998 by AverageMansReviews

Geri's Game 1997/1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is top-notch entertainment; this project roughly 4 minutes long.

Fundamental elements: there is background music, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline: it is an autumn’s day, the viewers meet this old man [Geri] as he sets up a game of Chess in this location where there are plenty of seats and chairs, but who is he going to war with on this Chessboard? The best player he can think of; himself.

Artistic visions: this project instantaneously transports its audience into this location, as we see our lead role setting up this Chessboard and the camera work is to be given high praise indeed, because throughout from beginning to end; they have been designed to let us into Geri's life and this Chess Game, the landscape as it relates to the Autumn colours and everything that comes with that in this location also has to be given high praise as well for its tranquil yet eye-catching scenery and the animation for this project is standing the test of time, I mean was released in the late 90's and is still looks top-class in 2020.

Character developments/Hint/Voice performances: well the character developments are very complex, because the more and more time I spend thinking about this project, I just didn't feel it was right to put in the category of comedy level.

Because Geri is being two different people every time he moves around to a different side of the Chessboard [two different personalities and body language, let's just say he really does throw himself into this game in every way possible, including some kind of mental health problem, based on the facts, his opponent which isn't there is but is in Geri's head; is laughing at him or showing concern or something other through this game] and here is something for you to look out for; his glasses Geri wares glasses whilst his opponent doesn't wear them,] so I got thinking this could just mean he is lonely or more specifically [this is just speculation on my part] but throughout this entire game he more than likely is representing someone else like a best friend or a wife or both of these in one person and they aren't here anymore but he has promised them to come to this location at this time of year, to play a game of Chess or he has a genuine mental health problem or it is very possible, because of Geri's age it could be a mixture of these two outcomes together.

 There is this wager with himself [another person] and as we leave Geri he seems really happy that he has beaten his opponent [by less than aboveboard means which also indicates his opponent was a much better player than what Geri was/is throughout this entire contest] and seems to be remembering the individual that I'm going to have a guest here and say [more speculation] used to more often than not lose to when they were alive, but on top of that as we leave Geri the audience gets this lasting memory of this man sitting on his own, yes happy, but still on his own and no one else around him [possibly with a mental health problem] as in hinting; maybe you should go and check on the elderly members of your family, just to make sure they are okay?

Voice performances; it is good.

This film receives: 10/10, as you can read this project has so much to offer its viewers in such a short amount of time that this mark was a no-brainer. [Now just to cover my back, before I receive any backlash or anything like that, I am within my rights to bring up the mental health aspects in this review because I have a mental health illness as well.]

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