Tuesday 7 January 2020

X-Men: Dark Phoenix 2019 [alternative name Dark Phoenix] by AverageMansReviews

X-Men: Dark Phoenix 2019 [alternative name Dark Phoenix] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, numbers on screen, cultural elements, background music yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement including the fundamental elements as well, the entire lot doesn't feel comfortable or move freely for somewhere in the region of three quarters or more of this sequel, I would say in fairness and balance roughly the final quarter pulls itself together

Unfortunately I'm not finished with the spine of this title yet, the background music is prominent in the action sequences, for one example of this; is when Gray/Phoenix is on screen and emotional in some way which causes her to be violent.

The thing is; they didn't need to inform their viewers that this character/characters/performer is violent, because she does have a reputation of being volatile anyway, so it seems very unnecessary to inform us of this point and just to cover my back, I am aware that there is other background music being used in this title at different points, this doesn't concern me it is their to do a job and that is to try to convey these emotions or actions or anything other at these specific points in this project to your viewers.

Origin storylines/Storyline: the Gray origin storyline is okay, I mean it serves its purpose, but the Phoenix origin storyline there is this artistic vision [which I will discuss later] and these dialogue exchanges [with this character which has white hair] at this point and at another point in this project, the more time I spend thinking more I am remembering that the Phoenix showed up in the previous film title [stop the presses, I have just done some research just to confirm what I was thinking and I watched a clip of someone else's material and yes she was in the previous project as well X-Men: Apocalypse 2016.]

So that completely changes my opinion on this title, which I have changed this review in one way or another in short I have decided to take a mark off for this; because the origin storyline of the Phoenix and consequently the storyline no longer makes sense I can't say too much more, because I will be giving too much away. But I will leave it like this; how can she be there to take on Apocalypse and make her arrival years later as an entity that apparently we know nothing about/these characters know nothing about when we clearly saw her in the previous film title.

Continuing with talking about this storyline [let's see if you can pick up the massive sarcasm now,] it was such a fantastic, stupendous and a wonderful exciting move for this storyline to include disrespecting men in one way or another in the dialogue exchanges, this is what we need to include in films nowadays disrespecting men and before you even think about giving me some feedback or comments or whatever, just remember in one way or another I have stuck up for women in my blogs. No I don't want a medal for doing this; because I do try to keep on the unbiased line, but with saying that I don't want any cheap feedback or comments either, I just find it very rich that on one hand this film disrespects men and then on the other hand talks about family, which from an overview perspective  this in itself makes no sense, because if you look at the bigger picture one is designed to divide people and the other is to bring people together in unity regardless of gender and other things

Action sequences/Artistic visions: Gray/Phoenix vs.  Lehnsherr/Magneto for control over this military helicopter this sequence and any sequence when a subway train or armoured train is seen or used, the reason why I am being a little bit specific is because as long as you see a subway train or armoured train, be it on its side or transporting this is roughly an indication that one of the good action sections is going to happen.

The artistic visions; there is this character singing with her gift/powers to control these elements around her [you won't be able to miss her,] she looks elegant with using her gifts/powers it's just a shame she gets a very small part in this project and as I was saying earlier when we have this character/performer with white hair talking and showing Gray/Phoenix things, these elements are very eye-catching and beautiful and Gray/Phoenix can also be beautiful at times in this sequel as well likewise you won't be able to miss them.

Character developments/Performances: I don't know what to say here, because when it comes to situations like these where I have identified problems or are poor such as the fundamental elements, the movement and everything like that and not forgetting any of the storyline as a whole regardless of origins or the general storyline, the character developments are there, meaning there is friction where there should be friction and there are elements of chemistry as well for one example over a chessboard. Moving on to the performances I think in fairness and balance I will have to say mixed, because of the issues I have outlined in this review its like this rhetorical question because we will never know the answer, if these problems were sorted out in one way or another or done differently or better in one way or another would this in turn give these characters/performers space to breathe and so on and so forth would the results be worse roughly the same or better.

This film receives: 3/10, this sequel is hard work yes it may look beautiful from time to time, there are some action sequences worthwhile pointing out and there is some friction or chemistry between these characters/performers, but it is still poor.

But based on my research, it doesn't change anything about my review or the mark I have given whatsoever, but listening to this article about this project [of someone else’s material]I feel now sorry for this sequel. Because I wanted to know more about the re-shoots and everything else and in short; it sounds like one massive ordeal just to get this project completed and for those people that may be new to reading my reviews I am not easily swayed, so even though I have been gentle on this sequel in this paragraph everything I have said before it still stands and it will be interesting at some point in the future to see what the next generation of the X-Men get up to and look like and other things as they are now coming home.

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