Wednesday 8 January 2020

Shazam! 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Shazam! 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good.

Fundamental elements: there are words and a numbers on screen, background music, cultural elements, voice-over elements, slow-motion effects, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Origin storylines/Artistic visions/Storyline: there are three origin storylines in this project, two surrounding two main characters and one where this character tells of a story [you should be able to easily find this storyline element,] because this character uses this powerful Staff and this is where the artistic visions comes into effect because this little sequence looks good and it shows imagination.

Now generally speaking the storyline throughout including the origin storylines are okay, I mean they serve their purpose. But here's the problem this film feels like a throwback to the very early 2000's be its storyline and construction, to give you some balance I greatly prefer by today's standards and possibly future standards where we had Wonder Woman 2017 or Aquaman 2018, where these film titles felt up-to-date and something you could really immerse yourself in as an all-around viewing experience. [I know, I know it is rare I am kind to the DCEU or the Worlds of DC,] but as you should know by now as I have been doing this long enough; if any company really makes the effort I will be lenient if it should go wrong or if they do something right or anything else above.]

Action sequences/Comedy level/
Character developments/Performances: right I will be positive first as it relates to an action sequence and a comedy level in this one sequence it has both; the bus sequence, our lead role is trying to sort out this situation, whilst it is gradually getting worse, so he begins with getting an old mattress ready but one of the people he is trying to rescue [with their body language is suggesting "That isn't going to work" amongst looking terrified because of his and other characters impending splat.] But our lead role catches this bus and is trying to put the bus down safely [I say trying to put this bus down safely, but first he has to wait for this dog to move out of the way before he can put this bus down.]

But these three elements have a feel of the early 2000's to them now and again, like slow-motion effects for some of the action sequences, they felt really unnecessary and they didn't do anything for my viewing experience. The comedy level and the character developments are yes feel like a throwback as well, but I also understand their purpose. Meaning if you want a basic way to build character developments/chemistry this is how you do it.

Moving on to these performances there is chemistry or friction depending on which characters are on screen at that time in this cast.

This film receives: 7/10, this is one of those occasions where taking everything into consideration this mark is a fair and sensible choice, because when it shows more of itself and breaks away from this safe and reliable origin storyline model it shows real potential [in a nutshell without going on about it too much,] this film needs a sequel because it feels that they cover all the basics in this title to build on his second project in the future. Basically what I'm trying to say is this; and everyone is interested in anything to do with superheroes or anything like this; will understand this point better [you may not agree with it but if you have been watching titles like this one you will understand what I mean anyone.]

Now as far as I'm concerned there is only one time that any superhero or anything like that can get away with this kind of film, it is the first film in the same version of the character in question, so for future reference if there is a sequel or any future projects involving this character and I don't see any character developments or enough progression there is a very high percentage I will not be so patient or understanding or anything other.

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