Monday 6 January 2020

Masters of the Universe 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Masters of the Universe 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: the artistic visions are easy to see be it the costumes or the vehicles of any description, landscapes or the presentation of Skeletor [Frank Langella.]

Moving on to the action sequences briefly at first there are weapons being used, combat elements and chasing sequences. I would say there is a good variety in these action sequences, yes you have He-Man kicking posterior and taking numbers, but we also have him on this mobile sky unit chasing down these Air Centurions and the classic Good vs. Evil one-on-one sequence [He-Man vs. Skeletor] late on in this title as well.

Character developments/Performances: I will begin with the mixed character, the reason why I said mixed is because this character is important to the storyline but I can take him or leave him [or he is just there.] The character I am making reference to goes by the name of Gwildor, let's put the fact that he has an important role in the storyline to one side for a minute, but I have one thing on my mind which is this and I will never find out the answer to this question; but was this character designed just to bring in a younger age group? Because I have been doing this long enough now and I could be wrong but this is how it looks.

But for the rest they are good or they make a big impact in this title in one way or another, the chemistry between Skeletor/Langella and Evil-Lyn/Foster is very interesting and engaging, I must stress these elements are small, yet here and there but they are beautifully managed to illustrate that there may be more to this relationship than just a leader and a second-in-command dynamic.

Skeletor/Langella; because I am aware that there is a reboot in the works, if I could make one suggestion it would be this; just take a look at this character/performer he does a fantastic job of understanding how big this character is; from the perspective of stage presence, dialogue or dialogue exchanges and everything about this version of this character, whenever this character/performer is on screen, he just brings every other character/performer up to his level, in fairness and balance minus Evil-Lyn/Foster this character/performer with [as I have already made reference to] or without him is a strong character/performance in her own right.

This film receives: 8/10, this is one of those occasions where I can appreciate for this time in history [the 1980's,] they did the best with what they had at their disposal on every single level, yes there is some form of comedy elements and there is a slice of cheesiness to this title, but anything less feels a little bit harsh as it relates to this mark considering everything I have pointed out in this review.

On a quick side note; I do know that there are many well-known characters missing from this project, I am not going to take any marks off for this, because at least they were fair and did it on both sides, but more importantly and just taking an educated guess they probably or may have had a limited budget to begin with and just to finish off, there is a scene at the end of this title that makes no sense based on I am still waiting to see what happens next and yes I know I will be always waiting now [after the ending credits.]

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