Saturday 25 January 2020

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Royal Rumble 2020 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Royal Rumble 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Humberto Carrillo vs.
the United States Champion Andrade: my pick is Andrade, in a nutshell it just feels like it is too early to change the Champion here.

Chad Gable vs. Sheamus: my pick is Sheamus, just because he is returning to in-ring competition. Now I'm pretty sure I have made reference to this once already but either way I am refusing to call Chad Gable "Shorty G" give him a respectable persona and I will use it.

Lacey Evans vs.
 the SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley: my pick is Bayley, yes I haven't watched much wrestling content lately, I have begun catching up, but I don't see this Championship changing hands until WrestleMania 36, in fact I don't see the four main singles Championships changing hands until WrestleMania 36 so the WWE can do this new cycle of feuds or a reset.

I just have this feeling if Evans is going to win this Championship [her first Championship] the WWE is going to pull the trigger at WrestleMania 36 to create this moment of she has gone from serving her country to winning her first-ever Championship on the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling WrestleMania

2020 Men’s Royal Rumble Match: my pick is Roman Reigns, my thinking process is this; this company want SmackDown to win to keep Fox happy and to make it the flagship show or continuing to basically take the flag away from Raw and placing it on SmackDown and just out of interest I would say Drew MacIntyre if Raw was to win it; come on WWE pull the trigger on Drew MacIntyre winning the WWE Championship some time in 2020.

I mean you could have MacIntyre feud with anyone on the Raw side at the moment and it would be entertaining; Black, Styles, Owens basically anyone I don't know about everyone else but MacIntyre the WWE couldn't screw it up [I know famous last words] as long as they scripted it/play it out properly he has many more interesting and engagable feuds in him than what Lesnar does by many Galaxies far, far away. I mean what does Lesnar have to offer a rematch against Velasquez; no thank you.

This rematch itself; this is just speculation because I have no idea. But if I had to guess this rematch may be used for either Summer Slam 2020 or I feel much more confident suggesting more than likely another of those controversial pay-per-views in the Middle East later on this year not the upcoming one sometime soon.

Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin Falls Count Anywhere Match: my pick is Roman Reigns, basically The Usos will even the numbers [I know this is happened already previously, so it will be 3 on 3 -- Roode & Ziggler] and consequently after this Reigns will be able to focus on the Universal Championship.

One half of the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Asuka vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch: my pick is Becky Lynch, don't be too surprised if after this match someone squares up to Lynch in the middle of the ring and points up to the WrestleMania 36 sign to begin this feud or continue it as it relates to Rousey or Baszler.

2020 Women’s Royal Rumble Match: my pick is Shayna Baszler, now I don't know if she is going to stay in NXT, but it will either be Baszler or Rousey or both at WrestleMania 36 Triple Threat Match or a Fatal 4-Way Match including Charlotte. But anyway you look about it Lynch is losing at WrestleMania 36 and based on here and now I would guess Baszler to pin or submit Lynch to make a superstar overnight and completely changed the landscape of women's wrestling in the WWE. Because I see Lynch is already questioning herself in this current feud so they could continue this into WrestleMania 36 and beyond, where Lynch questions herself but eventually comes back with this refocused attitude and just putting foot to posteriors, so long-term it will not harm her in fact it may freshen up her character.

Daniel Bryan vs. the Universal Champion
“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt  Strap Match: my pick is “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, now as I said earlier I would discuss this situation more later on. So here we are; now after doing a little bit of research “The Fiend” Championship reign [holding this Championship, when I was dictating this stands at 85 days,] so based on this I now see him losing it at this year's WrestleMania, because by then you will be safely into 100 days as the Universal Champion.

Now if the WWE were smart I would do this Championship drop in a 100% protected fashion for everyone involved, such as this; Reigns vs. Bryan vs. the Universal Champion “The Fiend” in a Triple Threat Latter Match with a debuting or a returning character/performer attacking “The Fiend” to set up a new feud and it also instantaneously inserts the debuting or returning character/performer high up on the card and in the same token enforces the idea that this individual has to be slightly unhinged for attacking “The Fiend”

On a side note; yes I have looked at the WWE pay-per-view schedule and they could do a Universal Championship drop at WWE Elimination Chamber 2020, but this would require him to get pinned or submited in the Elimination Chamber Match in itself [in fact I am getting a sinking feeling that they may do it here, which I just don't like it.] Because I think for The Fiend's first name Brand Championship reign it needs to end on a big stage and having “The Fiend” in the Main Event picture in one of your three Main Events needs to happen at WrestleMania 36.

But if they do the Universal Championship drop here; it would be two massive negative things happening in one moment; he loses his Universal Championship [his first] and showing he can be pinned or submitted which for here and now is something I would not give up so easily in this situation, let's not forget Bray Wyatt/“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt  had to rebuild himself after the Hell In A Cell Match at Hell In A Cell 2019, so I would really appreciate it if the WWE try to avoid a similar situation like this one, at least my suggestion on how he/they could lose their Championship, doesn't really harm him but it gets the Universal Championship off them.

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