Tuesday 28 January 2020

For the Birds 2000/2001 by AverageMansReviews

For the Birds 2000/2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent, now usually as this is a short project roughly over 3 minutes I wouldn't go into this level of depth, because I don't like to give too much away, but as it relates to this project you will understand why.

Fundamental elements: there is background music, cultural elements and no subtitles when another language is being used.

Artistic visions/Character developments/
Comedy level/Storyline: all four of these components work hand-in-hand with one another; the viewers meet these little bluebirds on this high up telephone wire; the visual presentation of this project is neat and tidy and well presented. From beginning to end, there is a lot of facial expressions and body language, mannerisms and squawking.

Character developments; these bluebirds quickly bicker/squawking between themselves, that is until this bigger, friendlier bird interrupts them then they focus on this character; this bigger and friendlier bird seems to have the characteristics of someone who suffers with either a mental disability or illness [yes I was trying to put that very nicely and respectfully and I have said both just to cover my back,] in fact we have a little bluebird character pointing this out in an impression of this bigger and friendlier bird.

But all I can say for the comedy level is this; the bigger bird will have the last laugh [he doesn't do anything wrong or seeking revenge.] But this short project's storyline has a subliminal moral message of if these little bluebirds were kind to begin with they wouldn't have found themselves in this situation to begin with.

Voice performances: it is good.

This film receives: 8/10, I decided to award another mark to this project; because it has more going on than on its first appearance, yes the penny dropped some time later and it may be a good educational tool, at that crucial age range just before your child or children begin making their own social groups that kind of thing and this feels like one of those occasions where I should dictate a disclaimer I am not preaching to anyone, but simply discussing what is in this project and before I receive any backlash or comments of any description, I only bring this up when it is appropriate for me to do so; I suffer with a mental illness as well, so all I am saying is I have experience and not forgetting I am in a wheelchair as well [yes I am very much aware that being physically disabled is not the same as being mentally disabled; this is not what I am saying here but you kind of learn little bits and pieces about other disabilities or illnesses if you spend long enough in this lifestyle or with someone in this lifestyle that is what I am saying here and nothing more.]

I know from personal experience, how much this may be irritating to some people myself included where people claim they are in the same boat as me, but they aren't [this is why I have taken some time to put this in,] because yes generally speaking there are some people out there that are in a similar situation, but I am specifically talking about the one's that aren't or nowhere near to my situation and I have just realized this project is roughly 20 years old, so even back then they were on to something which needed to be addressed or talked about more freely between people, instead of sweeping it under the carpet and trying to ignore the problem or hoping it would go away [I am still not preaching just pointing out a fact that this project is roughly 20 years old and mental disability/illness or physical disability is still a problem as in most people want to run away from it or the person that has the mental illness or disability on any level or other just in case I have missed anyone out.]

Briefly; unfortunately it is only getting worse, because we currently live in the cosmetic, superficial and throwaway society but as long as this planet keeps spinning there is time to change this outlook.

Updated: Tuesday 04/02/2020

Last updated: Monday 24/02/2020

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