Tuesday 3 December 2019

Demolition Man 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Demolition Man 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is lots of fun

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, no to subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement is one of those that knows what it wants to do and it just gets on with it.

Back stories/Storyline: the back stories either get discussed or shown to us, for an example the opening [before and during the opening credits,] there are dialogue exchanges and this entire section is a back story. Yes usually I would discuss the narratives in a specific project I am reviewing, but in this case it would be easier just to say that, we have different characters/performers in different narratives that at some point merge then breakaway then some time later merge again, the storyline itself is something good and reliable.

Now without giving too much away, this film has a solid ending but they should have made a sequel to what happened next

Action sequences/Comedy level/Artistic visions: well there are weapons being used, combat, chasing, vehicles, a chopper, a bungee jump [body harness thing] and explosions. Moving on to the comedy level, sometimes this is used in the action sequences or as a separate element for two examples one with the action sequences and one without the action sequences,] we have these Police Officers that are nowhere near qualified to handle one of our lead characters/performers [Simon Phoenix/Wesley Snipes] as he wipes the floor with them, later on in this sequence he sings a little bit of the American national anthem, makes a reference to baseball, breaks these futuristic CCTV cameras, consequently whomever has a headset on or anyone in this room back at the Police Precinct, gets this loud sound and we have this futuristic car getting exploded by Simon Phoenix as well.

The second example is where we have this supporting character/performer [Lenina Huxley/Sandra Bullock] trying to use these old expressions [she gets them right twice in two different scenes, we have our other lead character/lead role John Spartan/Sylvester Stallone, educating her on how to say these things correctly, but also saying very little or sound effect with facial expressions she has potential to be a posterior kicker or there is nothing more I can teach her.]

The artistic visions are easy to see or hear, as this film for 90% of it; it is based in the future now and again there are some retro or historic/futuristic elements such as graffiti and dealing with it, singing, singing and playing the piano.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are something simple, yet effective, yet imaginative, be it as it relates to our two main characters/performers [other criminals] or as it relates to the other characters/performers from this futuristic time and place and how things have drastically changed in society on the surface.

Performances; the cast all bring something to the table regardless of the size of the role, there is excellent chemistry/friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get,] here is something for you to hear out for Edgar Friendly/Dennis Leary gives this monologue the only way he can [without giving too much away again, it is where this film is in his territory.]

This film receives: 10/10, this is one of those films that you need to see one's in your lifetime.

Last updated: Wednesday 14/11/2019

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