Monday 2 December 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 58: Football Season by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 58: Football Season by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is another good episode

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Character developments: the viewers have Tommy which becomes Tommy/The Green Power Ranger in a narrative, yes with other characters/performers but he spends some time away from the other Power Rangers and the storyline for this episode is good.

Moving on to the character developments; Tommy to begin with doesn't have much confidence as it relates to trying out for this American Football team, we have Jason, Kimberly, Trini being supportive including Ernie which gives up his time to teach/train Tommy and I should just point out Zack and Billy are supportive at the end of this episode as well.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: well I may as well come out and say it based on the title of this episode there is a consistent theme of American Football in one way or another. On both counts we have the Putties/Putty Patrollers vs. the 5 Power Rangers and then just the 6th one, but when we have the Putties/Putty Patrollers vs. the 5 Power Rangers this sequence plays out like American Football, including these Putties/Putty Patrollers have been dressed in a basic American Football kit [I am pretty sure I haven't said anything about this yet, but I am now going to now and again in these episodes these Putties/Putty Patrollers have hand accessories like weapons or something other, I just need it to squeeze that in before the end of this season,] the monster for this episode is in these scenes as well.

Comedy level: now speaking of coming towards the end of this season, it did come to me earlier on in this season that Bulk & Skull have their narratives for these episodes and I haven't said anything about them, this is because I don't bring up every detail of everything but specifically it dawned on me at some point they get long narratives in their futures so I may bring them up now and again just to keep things nice and fresh, I can't speak of them now because they haven't happened yet, but I know they happen.

But back to here and now these two characters/performers are working towards getting Bulk ready for these tryouts, here is something for you to hear out for; there is this dialogue exchange between Rita Repulsa and Squatt, this dialogue exchange is short, but it is also of comic value.

This episode receives: 7/10, now don't get me wrong there are things happening in this episode, but at some point it wakes up and just gets better and better.

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