Tuesday 12 November 2019

Running with the Devil 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Running with the Devil 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voiceover elements, background music, cultural elements, quick moving effects, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement of this project is slow and not easy to settle down with, I found it to be slow and boring [I will discuss the movement more in the next paragraph] and the background music is loud and noticeable.

Storyline: basically this is one of those films where it uses narratives which goes between other narratives and back again which these narratives will cross over into other narratives or merge and on top of that the closer you get to the final section and beyond the viewers get this full circle [this will make better sense when you come to watch this project] and after the first closing credits there is this scene. Now be it the movement or the background music or the storyline there is enough blame to go around here to why this film is poor in short they are all contributing aspects and there is another aspect as well which you will find out reading this review.

Action sequences/Artistic visions/Comedy level: there are weapons being used, a plane, a chopper and jet skis. Moving on to the artistic visions; the landscapes and the sky seen with the sun these are good, there is singing and a person playing the guitar and finally moving on to the comedy level all I can say about this is this; it is between mature to adult to dark. Now off the top of my head the only scene I can leave here would be a character/performer telling another character/performer to turn around whilst he gets his money out of this safe, they have this dialogue exchange of basically he knows, that he knows where this money is kept, but he still wants him to turn around.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are what you see is what you get, I mean if this is what they were going for; then the performers have achieved what they were going for. The chemistry/friction is best described as hit or miss really, when it misses its like you can see the chemistry or friction but you can't feel it; it feels very superficial, it just depends which characters/performers you have in one scene at what time in the film [apologies for being a little bit too specific, this is another thing that will make better sense when you watch this project] and yes as it relates to the chemistry/friction it does depend way you are; is depending what you get as well.

This film receives: 1/10, now don't get me wrong this film does have some good elements to it, but they are somewhat counterbalanced by how poor this film is and if there are any Laurence Fishburne fans out there, take a look at this film but as you can see and read don't expect too much, there are two other all round good performances [one of these characters/performers gets shot and the other has a limited amount of scenes,] but Fishburne throughout this film is good [when he is on screen.]

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