Wednesday 20 November 2019

Scrat in Love 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Scrat in Love 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good, as this project is just over two minutes long; I will be brief in this review.

Storyline: the viewers meet up again with our old friend Scrat as he is trying to find his acorns again, it looks like someone else has their eyes on it as well.

Artistic visions/Comedy Level: the artistic visions are good, the body language between these two characters is of vital importance, because these two characters don't speak words, their body language have to fair amount of communicating for them [yes they use another element of communication which I will discuss later] but for here and now the computer animation does its part to bring these two characters to life and there is this interpretation of when E. Coyote falls down something like a chasm and you get this thud on impact with this circle of debris and dust. But in this case it is of cold surroundings, Scrat and on impact we get this heart-shaped version of debris and dust.

Character developments/Voice performances: there is good chemistry/friction between our two characters [depending where you are; is depending what you get.] Now on a little bit of research, I can't tell if there is one voice performer or two voice performers, one or two it doesn't matter, they put across yes once again without words, but sound effects what is happening or going on between these two characters in this project.

This film receives: 6/10, now after everything is said and done this mark is a fair conclusion.

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