Monday 18 November 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 54: Trick or Treat by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 54: Trick or Treat by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

5 things about this episode

Back stories/Moral message/Storyline: The 5 Power Rangers [in costumes for Halloween] look at the Viewing Globe with Zordon giving information firstly on these little pumpkins and then secondly on this monster, the moral message is basically; you don't have to win prizes to know you are a winner. The storyline Tommy begins and ends this episode in the storyline, but he has a narrative because he has different plans, so there is a section of this episode where it rotates between what the 5 Power Rangers are doing [in their Halloween costumes or as The Power Rangers,] the storyline is good.

Artistic visions: The Power Rangers perform this rap, this monster raps and these pumpkin hench-monsters are imaginative [I won't say too much more because I don't want to give too much away,] but these are something for you to look out for nonetheless.

Comedy level: Bulk & Skull;  Skull gets two different substances on his face in one way or another in two different scenes and Bulk gets a piece of his Halloween costume stuck in this car door and [involving the Power Rangers in their civilian attire or in their Halloween costumes or Tommy and Kimberly in their civilian attire.] I should just clarify when I say involving The Power Rangers or any other character in some way they are in this scene at the very least

This episode receives: 6/10, I know I wanted to see if the remaining episode for this season would stay between 7 or higher, don't get me wrong as I have already said this episodes is good but this mark is the outcome of this episode.

Last updated: Tuesday 19/11/2019

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