Saturday 12 October 2019

Wasted: “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins at WWE Hell In A Cell 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins at WWE Hell In A Cell 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Stipulations: Hell in a Cell Match for the Universal Championship

Now unless you have been living under a rock for the past 6 days, you must have seen this blog coming. Because yes I haven't seen this match, but to be fair to myself I have spent the last 6 days roughly hearing the fallout and researching this by listening to other peoples material/contents.

I don't know how the WWE came to this decision to have this match finish up this way, I mean if Mr. McMahon came and said to me I want this match to and this way, I would have asked firstly "Are you sure?"And if he said yes my response would have been okay, this is what we do and yes before I begin I know it sounds cheesy and we have seen a similar thing before but work with me here and not forgetting it would have been much better than the real outcome.

I would have had "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt make a massive hole in the ring and drag Seth Rollins into it, so it gives Mr. McMahon what he wants the Universal Championship stays where it is [consequently the stoppage.] But here is the most important thing, the WWE build the storyline from that like this; it is absolutely of vital importance the audience/viewers feel/sees this at the right time; so both characters/performers are now underneath the ring the lights go out and then we have the usual Bray Wyatt's maniacal laughing sound effects for a long time [just enough time so in reality it gives both characters/performers enough time to get in position to get on to the second part.] It would help the situation if the camera shots/angles were able to keep up but stay away from the situation, they would have to be messy and chaotic to show something but not everything [because we have no idea what is happening or  what "The Fiend" is capable of.] This is all getting shown to the audience/viewers on the Titantron, so we see it is dark "The Fiend" is dragging [in a sitting position] or maybe Rollins is being carried by "The Fiend" [over a shoulder] heading towards a door he opens it and throws Rollins into this rocking chair and straps him down into it; this room is dark but maybe for a little bit light showing through so the audience/viewers can get an idea of what is happening. "The Fiend" performs The Mandible Claw on Rollins, leaves him incapacitated walks to the door opens it and walks through it and then shuts it; leaving Rollins in a dark room [ending of the pay-per-view.]

Now for the next 3 weeks here is the schedule; for the first week we have presumed missing Rollins [recap the previous night and keep both characters/performers off this episode, maybe have "The Fiend's" presence felt in the final segment with his power cut, lights going out, his unsettling screeching and his laugh right at the end of the show, for their second week we discover where Rollins is; Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House where Bray Wyatt, Rollins and the puppets are in a narrative throughout this episode of RAW and on to the third week for the third hour after two segments one in each hour for the first two hours of this episode of RAW. Rambling Rabbit assists Rollins to escape; unfortunately things don't have a good ending for Rambling Rabbit when Bray Wyatt finds out [Rambling Rabbit's new canned carrots flavoured soup.]

Continue the feud from here with Rollins now experiencing some effects of his time in Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House but willing to come back for more and Bray Wyatt being surprised he wants to come back for more.

This is how you get what you want WWE and without receiving colossal backlash from your Universe and the wrestling community [I should just point out I am now aware because I watched it on their website, that they have done a "The Fiend" dragging Rollins through a hole in the ring mat thing on last night's SmackDown and what a waste that was my idea is much better and just for the record I began dictating this last night.]

Now let's get real in reality; I heard that Mr. McMahon found the reaction from their audience to be funny, but in the interest of fairness and balance I have also heard conflicting reports that he may have gotten this wrong or something to this effect. Which with my years of experience with the WWE I find this incredibly so incredibly hard to believe, that he feels or acknowledges he may have gotten something wrong.

The thing is; Mr. McMahon likes to have an insider joke or raise the "Stone Cold" two middle fingers salute to his Universe/Audiences/Viewers whenever it is possible, so this is why I find it 99.9% difficult to believe he feels or acknowledges he has got something wrong.

This company basically took their audiences/viewer's money and wiped their posterior with it; no one deserves to be treated this way and even though this company want to just move on from this; they don't seem to realize or care that no one else has a memory like a goldfish and on top of that to put a full-stop at the end of this entire situation they just put more time, effort and planning into these controversial glorified house shows straight after in this case Crown Jewel 2019, when instead of focusing on this controversy they should have been focusing on this pay-per-view I would have liked to say more, but any focus on this pay-per-view to begin with would have been nice.

This question has to be asked; why did this company book this match? Because no one came out of this Main Event match situation looking good, I am really hoping these two characters/performers can rebuild themselves [I am not a big Rollins fan, but I am not trying to push my opinion on to anyone, but in this case I just hope that people see that the situation was a hierarchy situation and nothing to do with anyone other.]

I'm not concerned with Bray Wyatt/Bray Wyatt "The Fiend" just because this character/performer seems to have a little bit more bouncebackability, I am not trying to gloss over this situation, but as long as these situations don't happen too often as this reincarnation of Bray Wyatt can come back and quite quickly as last night's SmackDown would show [yes their idea here was wasted,] but he just continued where he left off from this nightmare of a pay-per-view.

There are only two points I have left to make here; the first point is; next time you have no intention of giving a pay-per-view any real attention just cancel it [I know they would never do this] and my second point is; a Pipe Bomb at least now the WWE can spend more time and effort getting that massive payday again from that controversial location on a map isn't that right Mr. McMahon? [Mic-Drop.]

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