Wednesday 23 October 2019

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 67: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 67: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another excellent episode.

Storyline: after seeing a recap with voice-over elements; this episode rotates with gusto from narrative to narrative with narratives merging.

Character developments/Bloopers: well I did say I would discuss Ultra Magnus more later on [in the film review of The Transformers: The Movie, I will leave the link of this review at the bottom] ] so here we are; this character does fulfil his duties as the new leader of the Autobots in the film, but he is the worst out of the three leaders of this generation [I have chosen to be that specific because I don't know about the other generations or TV programs of this franchise.] Optimus Prime is the perfect leader in every way shape or form [I should just say spoiler warning do not read the majority review if you want to watch The Transformers: The Movie1986, you will be fine at the Action sequences/Artistic visions, if you want to read on from there] and Rodimus Prime is young and has a pro-active attitude, amongst other things but has lots of potential to be a great leader of the Autobots one day in his own right, then we have Ultra Magnus; he doesn't have Optimus Prime's presence [yes I have chosen just one element] neither does he have Rodimus Prime's potential to lead the Autobots into the future, I mean in fairness and balance  Rodimus Prime is young yes and consequently at some points it will show, but then again you have to take the rough with the smooth and yes I'm aware that Ultra Magnus wasn't too keen on taking over, but he could have embraced this position and responsibilities better than what he does.

Briefly because I have already spent quite a lot of time talking about the character developments, but I cannot leave this out; Galvatron [leader Decepticon]  in this episode definitely shows, how mentally unstable he is; let's just say when you come to watch this episode, he makes it crystal clear that he is mentally unstable.

Bloopers; on one hand we have these Decepticons that are in a nutshell rundown and then we have Grimlock [in robot mode/leader of the Dinobots] and Rodimus Prime [leader of the Autobots,] firing their weapons, at some point; point blank range and these Decepticons are not going down which they should be and on the other hand another blooper is where Rodimus Prime calls these Decepticons “Cowards!” for them wanting to get physical, when it is Grimlock and Rodimus Prime shooting their weapons point blank range.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts this episode has lots to offer, be it these two obliterating explosions or finding the answer, I really don't want to give too much away about this point, but it is highly imaginative and yes when you come to watch this episode this will make sense.

This episode receives: 9/10, the viewers of this episode have lots of high-quality elements to enjoy of this episode

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