Thursday 24 October 2019

Maleficent 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Maleficent 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is a mixed

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, no subtitles when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Briefly the movement of this project is slow and dull for a heavy majority of the time [the reason why I am being brief here; it is because I will be bringing it up again from a different perspective shortly,] but on reflection you can tell this film is consistently moving with purpose and direction, let's just say you will notice a difference between the opening section roughly, the narratives sections with two main characters in Maleficent and Aurora and one supporting character Diaval [in a different combinations between these characters/performers and the final section roughly [being more consistently moving with purpose and direction.]

Origin storylines/Back stories/Storyline: the viewers get told by voice-over elements [storyteller] and we get shown and it gets discussed in the dialogue exchanges as well and the back stories get the same treatment in one way or another and for those picky people out there, yes I am aware that this film and these three points run into one another, but let's not split hairs too much shall we.

Moving on to the storyline how can I put this; generally speaking it is so dull, I mean I get it there is this role reversal thing going on which is good [I will discuss that more in the character developments/performances,] but seriously the storyline is so dull [minus the sections I have already specifically pointed out in this review.] I mean between these three characters/performers or in different pairings these scenes or narratives or sequences are one of the strongest positives to this project, but other than that I stand by what I said earlier that the rest of it is so dull.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: on both counts these are another positive to this project, the artistic visions are easy to settle down with as there is lots to see when they are in effect be it in the light and fluffy scenes or sequences or in the dark and foreboding scenes or sequences and everything in between, very good mood settings depending what they were going for at that specific time. The action sequences are likewise really easy to engage with, the only negative I have about these is simply this; please more of them in this sequel [yes as of this review I haven't seen the sequel yet.]

Comedy level: in a nutshell and I apologize for this; but in my defence it is what it is and I cannot do anything about that. But between these three characters/performers in different combinations; this is where the comedy feels natural and consequently it comes off as comedy [there is one element where there is throwing of mud or of this substance which involves more characters,] but where there is other comedy elements it just feels really force and consequently it instantaneously loses its appeal whenever it is used in any way shape or form basically if these other three characters/performers were having an audition in front of me I would be saying "Next" within a second or less.

Character developments/Performances: now at this point it shouldn't be any surprise that between these three characters/performers that I keep making reference to; they have good chemistry or friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get] or singly as it relates to Jolie being on her own in some scenes or sequences. The role reversal in this film is a different interpretation to this well-known storyline, it is something I can appreciate and more importantly it isn't too far-fetched or difficult to believe.

Now on to the two honourable mentions, the younger versions of these two characters do a good job bringing these characters to life, I am not going to mention or criticize the character known as Prince Phillip, simply because without giving too much away there isn't enough of him in this title; what can I say; he fulfils his role and for the other characters/performers that are fundamental to this project I feel nothing for them.

This film receives: 5/10, as I have already said this film is mixed and I am hoping the sequel is much better by exploring its strengths and giving its sequel more of direction and purpose instead of these dull sections to this title.

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