Thursday 31 October 2019

Official Secrets 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Official Secrets 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, interpreter elements, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement to this project; well it has a clear idea of what it wants to do and it sticks to that smoothly moving from location to location and throughout the film.

Storyline: the storyline is based on real-life events and there are narratives as well.

Action sequences: straight to the point there are war scenes.

Character developments/Performances: they are all good; there is good chemistry/friction [yes depending where you are; this depending what you get.]

This film receives: 7/10, yes I am aware I haven't said a lot about this title but here is where I would like to change that, now yes in my project blogs I have been doing this long enough to say I try to remain unbiased, but as it relates to this specific project I cannot just say it is good without some form of clarification first.

What I mean is this; everything about this film from a film perspective is good, but having said that I just want to separate the film aspect and everything that comes with that away from the real-life events, I just felt uncomfortable just saying this film is good; when the contents of this project is based on what it is based on.

The next thing I'm going to be saying; is very controversial and these two situations are very different. But to be fair this is what I came away thinking after watching this film, without giving too much away; if this information was false in this situation, what does it say for Brexit when briefly it is well over 3 and a half years, some our politicians lying, looking after themselves and their social class [I was just thinking I would just highlight some of our politicians, in the interest of fairness and balance and to cover my back,] social divides everywhere in the real world, online, the Leavers thinking we should leave and to do anything else is undemocratic with or without a deal, even though we now know more of what is involved, it would supremely cripple the United Kingdom in one way or another, make Ireland a war zone again and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Meanwhile the Remainers are seen as the enemy [I know this to be true because I am one,] so as I am poor amongst other things before leaving the European Union I am poor, after leaving the European Union I will be much more poorer, which I often get asked how do you know no one knows? Which lately I have pointed out in a rough description I have asked so why vote for something we have no idea what it looks like or something like this.

But that is beside the point; I know they always hit the sections of our society that cannot fight back, because I am a part of the sections, so why should this situation be any different and even though we haven't left yet, I am beginning to feel the impact.

This is where this project comes into it; I am not trying to change anyone's opinion, because that is not my way. But what I am saying quite clearly and I will make this crystal clear, so there's no confusion just be absolutely certain wherever your loyalties lay on the subject, you're not doing it for just yourself but for your children and their children's children and so on, because there have been so many lies and other things that we don't want to screw up the next generations even before they are born, so I would recommend softening your views and meet in the middle, because if we make a mess of this there will be suffering and as things are I don't see the social divide closing anytime soon between the Leavers or Remainers or the social classes, it is worthwhile pointing out that the general public didn't make a mistake, the politicians made the mistake here by giving us an option that they had no idea what it entails, they didn't do the research or anything like that, so let me just say this again I am not here to change anyone's opinion, but simply pointing out the general public is not the problem, so why are we squabbling between ourselves when each side has valid points like yes we should leave with a deal not without or we should have a second referendum where it has two choices remain or leave with this deal whatever the deal looks like at that time, but the general public should now be more like "Come back to us when you have a plan that suits everybody involved and not before, you put us all in this position now you figure it out, that way we can get on with our lives and not having this Brexit divide between us anymore." [on a quick side note full disclosure I did miss a section of the film, let's just say I had to answer the call of nature.]

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