Wednesday 30 October 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Crowd Jewel 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Crowd Jewel 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: I am beginning this five days away so the matches may be in the wrong order.

20-Man Battle Royal Winner Faces
AJ Styles for the United States Championship: my pick is Buddy Murphy, I have no idea what is happening with this Championship I have really lost interest in this company [yes I originally went for Ricochet, but on watching someone else's material, I found out he wasn't involved so I have just chosen somebody that is involved.]

TBD vs. the United States Championship AJ Styles: my pick is AJ Styles, I don't think they would do a change of champion here, yes I did find this out by watching the same material I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

The largest Tag Team Turmoil Match in history to determine World Cup winner and crown the Best Tag Team in the World: my pick is The Viking Raiders, now if this company wanted to push this tag team, this would be the time to do it; have them come out and destroy everybody, I know they are the current Raw Tag Team Champions, but they do need something to make them feel/look like a dominant force or if the WWE wants to get really creative [I know that would be a strange concept for this company,] they could do this kind of thing but with The AOP instead which would establish them straightaway into a tag team title picture in one swift move, so either outcome would be a logical move and something this company could build on unless somehow Shane McMahon wins this as well and takes another opportunity away from these characters/performers that work very hard; day in and day out. By the way the stipulation is really catchy and easy to remember; Not!

Natalya vs. Lacy Evans: my pick is Lacy Evans, to give her a push based on this win as a starting point and she and this company can go on about it time after time after time, as she is/was the first-ever woman to pick up the W. in a wrestling match in Saudi Arabia. Now on one hand well done to this company for getting this done and achieved, but on the other hand haven't we seen this match before, time after time, Natalya vs. Becky Lynch would have been a better match all round really; based on experience, character developments ["The Man"] and what they wear to the ring [before I receive any form of backlash, these three points are just based on where this match is going to take place, let's just say if I was booking this match I would feel much more comfortable with my idea and it also takes into consideration the crowd might turn as well, so these two characters/performers could deal with that with ease in fairness and balance the crowd shouldn't turn [but I would just like to cover every possible eventuality that could happen,] I was thinking I would just go and do some research on this situation, after watching someone else's material I found out that three female characters/performers traveled with the WWE to this part of the world [the other one is Lana] and on a quick side note on watching the same material after watching it I had remembered or it dawned on me they would have to cover up because it is their custom in this part of the world. I should have remembered really because now I am thinking about it American Dad did two episodes [Stan of Arabia part 1 and 2] and for those people that don't watch this TV program very briefly in these two episodes the Smith family get sent to this part of the world

Mansoor vs. Cesaro: my pick is Mansoor, he comes from this part of the world and unlike other characters/performers where they would possibly lose if they were the hometown hero. Mr. McMahon wouldn't dare do this here simply because of money, isn't that right Mr. McMahon you will bend over backwards to keep this highly controversial situation sweet, but putting to one side this match should be good, of course it will be good because Cesaro is involved.

Team Hogan vs. Team Flair 5-on-5 Tag Team Match: my pick is Team Hogan, just because of Roman Reigns being on this team and looking him up he is on SmackDown so to reinforce that SmackDown is now the number one brand they could have him pick up the W. for his team [yes I am aware that this may sound small minded but let's not forget what company I am talking about here, so this is something they would do.] Whilst I am on the subject they would probably like this image with Hulk Hogan and Roman Reigns celebrating in the ring after this match to put over Hulk Hogan just to put a few positive points on his public image and throw in Ric Flair at some point for this picture moment as well, but I have to ask this rhetorical question why would the WWE put Hulk Hogan into this controversial situation again? It is two different kinds of controversy clashing with one another [I know Hulk Hogan is the biggest name or one of the biggest names in professional wrestling so that is why he is booked here,] but they should be putting over the younger talent, but in fairness and balance they may not have a choice here, simply because the WWE have to deal with a request such as characters/performers from a certain time in the WWE history as it relates to these pay per views and on a connecting subject to this match I am refusing to acknowledge Chad Gable's new name ["Shorty G"] and wrestling persona [image] it does him no favours and he is too good for this garbage

Braun Strowman vs. Tyson Fury: my pick is Tyson Fury, at this point another loss for Braun Strowman, well who cares. Don't get me wrong I like this character/performer but seriously the WWE have just turned him into another Big Show, but at least the Big Show won Titles/Championships in his career of substance; at this precise moment in time Strowman hasn't anything of substance and he deserves much, much better treatment from this company [yes when I say these things I have taken into consideration championships/titles and reigns

“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins Falls Count Anywhere Match that can’t be stopped for any reason: my pick is Seth Rollins, well I have a lot to say here so let's get on with it.

Let's begin with Bray Wyatt/“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, I see the Firefly Fun House is now on SmackDown so the WWE are just going to move on from burning it down on one Brand to just move it onto another Brand without explaining anything [this is top quality intelligence here, Not! This company and I can say this with confidence now, they are deliberately going out of their way to screw up; these two characters/performer including surrounding characters and he clearly isn't winning here based on the fact he is now on SmackDown, so would someone like to tell me what would be the point of this match? Seriously, I mean you've clearly told us that he isn't winning, so this would just be a waste of time and I just see it as an opportunity for these two performers to get injured in a pointless match. [By the way the answer to the question is; because of money and you want to take more shine off Bray Wyatt/“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt.]

The only thing that is stopping me from using adult language is the fact that I said I would never use out and out adult language in my blogs, but I'm getting sick to death of this company taking brilliant characters/performers and continuously feeding them to other characters/performers to get them over or booking them badly [just not understanding their characters and their audiences or just not using them.

Which swiftly brings me on to this individual Seth Rollins, I have absolutely no more time for this person, my patience has run out for him I don't like him, I don't respect him and the WWE could do much better without him.

If you want me to be really honest yet clean about it, he is just Mr. McMahon's newest pet, my only advice to Rollins would be this; be careful when you get older because Mr. McMahon will just throw you away when you have fulfilled your shelf life, like he has done with many others before you.

Now let me clarify this; the reason or reasons why I am now having this perspective, it is because this individual runs his mouth and he hasn't earned that right at this point. Because he has been well protected since he has been in the WWE he has always been given things and basically he is a corporate suck up, I mean I have much more time for performers that have or haven't worked for this company and have had to earn it or if they were on the top of the mountain, such as Chris Jericho [at one point for this company] he is still well grounded as a person. But Rollins keeps talking about money, money and money and I have heard enough of it.

Next this stipulation [Falls Count Anywhere Match that can’t be stopped for any reason,] I understand why the stipulation has been worded this way [because of what happened at Hell In A Cell this year.] So let me get this right when they should explain things like the Firefly Fun House, they don't and when they should try and swiftly move on they don't, they just make the situation worse with this stipulation, yes I would have had a rematch but with the stipulation a Last Man Standing Match with Seth using the ring steps to somehow pin “The Fiend” to the ground, just to protect “The Fiend” in this loss a little so we can separate these two performers and very quickly find something new and different for these three characters/performers to do in new feuds.

Cain Velasquez vs. the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar: my pick is Cain Velasquez, based on three reasons; one it would make a star overnight, two I can easily see Rey Mysterio or Dominic or both getting involved, third and finally I don't want to see or experience another long, uneventful and boring Lesnar Championship reign, the more time I spend thinking about this; the more time I can speculate when/where the rematch will take place how about WrestleMania 36, you see between now and then they could build up Velasquez, meanwhile Lesnar is busy with sitting at home and when he can be bothered to show up they could do this feud between Rey Mysterio with Dominic, after dealing with them he is coming for Velasquez at WrestleMania 36.

The more time I spend thinking about this; the more time I really can't see the downside here, Rey Mysterio Lesnar would work, because Mysterio would make Lesnar look great and for Dominic it would give him more time to grow on screen [may be putting him in a match with Lesnar something like when John Cena took on Kurt Angle in John Cena's debut match,] but don't squash Dominic I want him to have an image of stepping up to the plate and taking a pounding, but wouldn't stay down [yes I have just realized this would require Lesnar to put somebody over, all I can say is miracles do happen now and again] with Velasquez being around this situation but taking care of business as the WWE Champion as well. I mean the storyline I have constructed make sense, it has a purpose and it concludes at WrestleMania 36 I would still keep the WWE Championship on Velasquez after this based on a little bit of research of what I have seen of Velasquez he seems to understand wrestling from the level of you either get it or you don't get it and let's be honest throughout the years Lesnar has just been around this company for the money, but I think if they went with something like this; Mr. McMahon would like a change of champion here, just to irritate his Universe.

I would even consider doing something like this; where Velasquez [the WWE Champion] showing up three times a month [twice on SmackDown and once on the pay-per-view] to make this championship feel prestigious, basically this is what they should have been doing with Lesnar throughout the years, I mean if they want SmackDown to be more sports based, have Velasquez as the new face of it [taking that into consideration I am getting more comfortable with doing this] and give the Intercontinental Championship back its prestige on the other weeks or better yet here is a crazy idea put more focus back on to the women be it the SmackDown Woman's Championship or the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships.

Now I am mostly like 99.9% going to put Velasquez to one side for the next paragraph, I understand the history between these two performers, so it would make sense to do this; but having said that this match is disrespectful to all the other performers/characters that as I have already said work day in and day out for this company; to see two UFC guys in the Main Event slot of a wrestling pay-per-view is disrespectful, especially when Lesnar is just there for the money and nothing else and if the WWE hierarchy don't see this as disrespectful then they need their eyes examined. This is why I put Velasquez to one side because on one hand it doesn't feel right to blame him for what Lesnar has done, he has just taken this opportunity to sign with the WWE, so you cannot blame him for that [so consequently he has been booked in this match] and on the other hand he could be completely different to Lesnar, in every way shape or form, basically I am not willing to tar him with the same brush and not forgetting we also have a professional boxer on this card as well, so if the WWE hierarchy cannot see there is going to be problems [I am not blaming Fury or Velasquez here,] I am specifically aiming at the hierarchy of this company.

Briefly to finish this blog I will tell you this; the only matchs I would be interested in seeing are TBD vs. AJ Styles  Mansoor vs. Cesaro and specifically Velasquez, like I have already said; based on a small piece of research looks like a good performer for now and in the future and has the potential to get much better with experience, so I would watch him [yes if you haven't noticed I am being very, very specific here, because as far as I'm concerned Lessner is just a massive financial burden to the WWE and has been for years. I wouldn't waste my free month subscription or pay to see this pay-per-view or glorified House Show, [Pipe Bomb] but I have already paid for AEW Full Gear 2019, how do you like those apples Mr. McMahon?

Updated: Thursday 31/10/2019 I now realize that Ricochet is part of Team Hogan, but like I said in this blog, I have really lost interest in this company.

Last updated: Sunday 15/11/2020

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