Saturday 17 August 2019

The Take 2016 [alternative name Bastille Day] by AverageMansReviews

The Take 2016 [alternative name Bastille Day] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, mental imagery, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The background music makes itself known at some points in this project [the person I watched this project with, pointed this out, I don't like taking credit for any other persons material or input or anything like this] and you will see or read, this is not the only time she has pointed something out in this review.

Storyline: in short this is good.

Action sequences: briefly at first; there are weapons being used, combat, chasing and a chopper. Now just one example of the action sequences we have our main partnership chasing one another on these rooftops and other places, all of these action sequences solidly entertaining.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are something safe and reliable and the performances are generally speaking all good, but however our lead role does make this film, he does create a lot of energy for this film to run off, don't get me wrong there is chemistry/friction between the main partnership of these two characters/performers and later on it develops into a trio of characters/performers, but without our main character/performer [Elba] this film would have struggled.

This film receives: 6/10, as I have already said this film is good and the person I watched this film project with asks "What happened to the female character from this trio?"

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