Friday 28 June 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 6 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 6 by AverageMansReview

So this is what is next for the WWE: I may as well begin with this question/comment does anyone else find it slightly amusing that the WWE have put the heads of their previous competition in control of their two main brands Paul Heyman [ECW/now in control of RAW] and Eric Bischoff [WCW/now in control of SmackDown Live.]

The more I think about this; the more I am leaning towards this isn't going to work [but in fairness and balance for the WWE I hope this works,] I mean in theory it should work and I am not backtracking on my previous statement. But on one hand you have three heads that used to rule the world of professional wrestling, so you would think the three of them working in the same company would bring fear into any new competition that stood before them [and just for the record yes I'm aware that Heyman has a long association with this company.]

But on the other hand I'm going to say they use to rule the world of professional wrestling on their own individual turfs. But the key thing is they used to, I want to make this crystal clear I am not saying that they cannot bring anything to the table because individually they can with so much knowledge and so on. But what I am saying is this; like it or not professional wrestling has changed so much over time that having three people of the same or similar mind set is probably going to come up with the same ideas [I need to point out that I am just speculating here so I could be wrong and I want to highlight this once more I hope this works out for the WWE.]

Extreme Rules 2019: well straight off the bat I have already talked about this a little in the previous blog The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 5 so I will leave the link down below. But for here and now based on what is on this card this pay-per-view seems to be in trouble already.

 Alexa Bliss vs. the SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley: in short I don't see a change of champion here, so what happened to this no more automatic rematches thing? Oh yes including this very small, very tiny detail these two characters/performers are on separate brands

Samoa Joe vs. the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston: again in short I don't see a change of champion here; I don't know what to say about this match, briefly to begin with yes absolutely this has every right to be a fantastic match. But here are the problems and I know I am not the only one pointing these out, once again we have a situation where these characters/performers are on separate brands [so once again I could be wrong here but I'm guessing that this version of the Brand-Split is pushing up the daisies now,] but there is more Joe can lose the United States Championship and be rewarded with a WWE Championship Match [the more and more time I spend thinking about this; the only possible and positive reason for this; would be Joe is to be the next WWE Champion, but as I have already said I don't see this happening here so this decision makes no sense, I would like to see Joe to hold a top championship at some point.] But I continue why didn't the hierarchy of this company come up with this storyline where Joe is so angry at losing his United States Championship that for a little while [roughly 10 days on RAW and SmackDown Live or anywhere if they wanted to get creative,] Joe attacks The New Day or any member, any number of them, until Kingston asks "Joe what do you want for these attacks to stop?" Joe replies "This is simple I want you in a Ladders Match for the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules, which Kingston accepts with one added stipulation "Just you and me one-on-one" which Joe agrees to. Okay this idea may not be something that this company may want to do, but more importantly I have gave a storyline, a match, a stipulation and substance behind this situation so what else do the WWE want, in fact I would have had Joe attack Kingston after his Steel Cage Match at WWE Stomping Ground so Joe could send a strong message to begin with.

Tony Nese vs. the
WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak: I have a feeling you know what I am going to say here, well I have two things. The first thing is this; once again what happened to this no more automatic rematches thing and the second thing is this; I don't see a change of champion here either, even though I don't have access to The WWE Network, I am just going to come out and say it; it would be foolish and short-sighted for there to be a change of champion here, because it would somewhat devalued the champion and this championship in this match, but then again I am talking about a company that are masterful experts at short-sightedness so what do I know.

Baron Corbin & Lacey Evans vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins & the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch Winners Take All Mixed Tag Team Match: straight off the bat yes I don't see a change of champions here. But just to give you a heads up again I'm just going to tell you as it is, so with that being said anything to do with this match, stipulation or situation it is completely and utterly diarrhea, let's just quickly point out what happened to this no more automatic rematches thing [yes different stipulations] but in essence we have two automatic rematches here.

So precisely what happens if for some reason the hierarchy choose to make new champions here? [Corbin or Lesnar and Evans] it doesn't matter your audience or fan base or apparent Universe are going to be far, far, far, far so far away from happy that you may as well book first class-tickets down to Jacksonville and into the territory of All Elite Wrestling, I am being comical yet very serious here.

There is absolutely nothing to gain here, but everything to lose and just for the record there is no way even if I was given a lot of money to make this match and then to deal with the consequences after it and then leave the company that is just no way I would do it.

Because even though this match hasn't taken place yet I can see it now in my mind and it doesn't look good. I mean why is this company continuously backing itself into a corner where if they don't get it right [basically keeping the fans happy,] everything is just going to crumble underneath them. So I will warn this company right here and right now if these two champions don't come out of this pay-per-view as champions the backlash is going to be so strong that I don't know where this company go from here [I know this company has a lot of money,] so they will keep going for years upon years. But let me put it this way if you want to torpedo your TV ratings and crowd attendance go ahead make new champions here I dare you. Now it seems a good point just to point out that if you are keeping score I don't see any championships [based on this blog at this point] changing hands so what is the point of this pay-per-view?

 The Undertaker & Roman Reigns vs. "The Best in the World" Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre Tag Team Match: I mean if there is any justice in the world The Undertaker & Roman Reigns should win here and bring an end to this situation. Now keep in this thing of just telling you how it is; this brings me swiftly on to this match. What a waste of time this is, let's look at the bigger picture for a second you have a legendary character/performer in The Undertaker and two characters/performers in their prime where if they were built correctly in storyline they should have individually a championship around their waist or fighting for the same championship or even for the tag team championships [oh I have just realized I have just said three bad words in this company tag team championships apologies for that] and then we have "The Best in the World" this thing needs to stop now, the hierarchy are taking away good opportunities from younger talent which spent years working their posterior off to get somewhere just to lay down for the bosses' son, before I continue I just want to say that The Undertaker will then, now and forever be a legend and a cornerstone of this company and a highly respected individual in this industry, but he cannot go on forever.

So this company needs to focus on instead of then and now [in the case of The Undertaker,] they need to be focusing on forever as to keep this company going,] they need to be willing and saying to their younger talent "Show me what you have and we will stand by you or them." I am sure that the younger talent are showing them what they have to offer, so my previous statement was specifically aimed at the hierarchy of this company.

All Elite Wrestling: I don't have too much to say about this company, because they are doing everything right, they are making lots and lots of noise in the right way and they just need to continue in what they are doing and before I finish this blog, I am not biased as it relates to this company. But honestly they are a completely different company to the WWE on every single level, so yes at some point in the future, if I find something to criticize I will do so. But at the same time this company cannot do anything wrong based on logic and reasoning this basically means because the WWE standards are so low consequently, they have conditioned their fan base to accept low standards. So if All Elite Wrestling had an off day, it is still supremely higher than anything the WWE could offer, my final thing is this; see what happens when you offer wrestling fans wrestling first without the WWE environment and garbage on top of that.

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 5 Link

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