Tuesday 21 May 2019

Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, environmental elements, background music, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement of this title does take some time to get going, but to share this issue it is a mixture between the movement and the storyline, I will talk about this storyline more later on, but let's just say there is enough blame to go around and when I say it does take some time, I mean something to the level of a slow burner here and even when it gets going it isn't the most quickest anyway.

Storyline/Moral message: as I was saying in the previous paragraph I am of the mind set, that the movement of this title isn't the most quickest consequently it gives you plenty of time to look and to experience this storyline which it is for most parts tedious, but somewhere around let's say roughly the three-quarter stage [to be honest I can't remember when, I know it is somewhere around here] but things do get better as it relates to the movement and the storyline of this title, moving on in short without giving too much away a character says to this Pokémon something to this effect and briefly "Not everyone is the same."

Artistic visions: generally speaking it looks fresh, up-to-date and of a very high standard, such as when Pikachu is playing around with this water fountain and gets splashed in the face [it is one of those water fountains that comes up from the ground, you will notice it when you come to watch this project.]

Action sequences: the action sequence that really sticks out in my mind is where Ash is a backseat driver to this battle sequence.

Character developments/Voice performances: the character developments are something safe, but something you can also see coming from miles and miles and miles and miles away and the voice performances are good.

This film receives: 6/10, now after everything is said and done this mark seems right, how can I put this; I decided to go with this mark, because of the artistic visions of how this title looks and so on and so forth. There are two things I should bring up before finishing this review; the first is there is this scene after the closing credits [after the pictures] and for you parents out there with young children that are thinking about watching this title with your children this is just a heads up there are bits and pieces spoken and shown such as the spirit of a dead Pokémon.

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