Friday 17 May 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Money In The Banks 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Money In The Banks 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The Usos vs. the
SmackDown Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan & Rowan: my pick is Daniel Bryan & Rowan, I would prefer The Usos to win here, but I can see what this company are doing in this situation, at this precise moment this new tag team/these new SmackDown Tag Team Champions, haven't gotten credibility as a tag team yet, so having beaten an established and one of the best tag teams that this company have at the moment [including future WWE Hall of Fame] in The Usos, beating them twice should give Daniel Bryan & Rowan credibility in the long run, but I should point out these two teams are on two different brands, this feels like déjà vu didn't we see this match already and didn't this company say something to the effect of "No more automatic rematches." [After this event I have come to realize, which I should have been paying attention the blue brand tag team championships were not on the line.]

Ariya Daivari vs.
the WWE Cruiserweight Champion Tony Nese: my pick is Tony Nese, I don't have access to this brand. But if I had to have a guess it would seem too early to the champion.

Rey Mysterio vs. the United States Champion Samoa Joe: my pick is Rey Mysterio, with Joe accidentally getting distracted by Mysterio's son Dominic to set up a feud between Joe and Dominic with Mysterio playing the protective father role. [I basically said something similar in; In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE WrestleMania 2019, I will leave the link down the bottom of this blog] and once again I am getting the feeling of déjà vu here again and on top of that didn't this company say something to the effect of "No more automatic rematches" as it relates to their championships or you know I could be wrong here.

Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: my pick is Drew McIntyre, in these situations I would give you two, one for the red and one for the blue brand but because of the Brand-Split being a complete joke and now because of the Wild Card Rule being a complete joke also I am losing more interest in what this company are doing generally speaking, I mean I think we both know even before these two points my interest was getting less and less or more and more critical, but let's try to be positive there are five competitors in this match I would be happy if they were to receive this opportunity [my message is simple; "Don't waste this opportunity WWE to give someone a push or make a new star overnight."] But briefly my reasoning for Drew McIntyre is because they really did stifle his original push for [I may as well say it as it is] a stupid short-sighted reason it being making Lesnar the Universal Champion again.

You see the more I think about this; the more time it gives me to think about things, which you will soon find out in this next section, so to begin this next section I will begin with a rhetorical question; "Okay you have now taken Stroman out of this match and replaced him with Zayn which I don't have a problem with, but here's my question what are you going to do with Stroman now?

Stroman couldn't afford this loss/setback at this moment in time anyway, because he didn't have or hasn't had any forward momentum in his career for a long time now so I say again "What are you going to do with this character/performer now? Other than taking more and more or little by little away his character's credibility which let's be honest is running on empty at this point.

So they have taken Stroman out of this match so my next rhetorical question is quite simply this; if Stroman is out of this match what is Corbin doing being booked in this match?" Seriously this is a wasted opportunity for someone else or better yet this is what I would have done.

Now to give the intention or the illusion that this was always the plan [yes even though everyone knows it wasn't the plan,] but you try to kind of pull it off anyway I would take Corbin out of this match and leave this space open for a Wild Card Rule opportunity, I mean yes I don't like the Wild Card Rule, but let's use it properly and it kind of makes this company look like they know what they are doing instead of a panic idea which hasn't been thought out on any level. Basically it would work like this; whomever was able to get in and to the center of the ring first from the back would receive this opportunity, so no music and no entrance, obviously the hierarchy and the people at the back would know who is coming out. But to keep the illusion of no one knows who is coming out nothing is staged, so if this company do things like this eventually it would give the Wild Card Rule some credibility, I mean once in a while you could have two or more wrestlers having a fight backstage in a rush to get to the center of the ring, if they wanted to get really creative they could have Triple H. now and again coming on camera saying to the Referees and other staff members "let them go at it, the best thing we can do is gradually point them towards the ring, so protect yourselves and each other but let them get down to the ring" or they could have another character/performer coming through the crowd as the original two characters were fighting. You see on a random occasion it would be a stroke of genius if they had to change the stipulation of a match in the future to a Triple-Threat Match or something else, because the race to the ring/entered and to the center of it was too close to call or something like this or an on-screen character could change the stipulations of this match, because this character/performer has irritated this individual so another character/performer is needed in this match or something else, as long as it isn't overused or anything like this; without being arrogant my idea or ideas for this thing called the Wild Card Rule, if this was once again used properly would create many possible outcomes.

Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: my pick is Ember Moon; please do something constructive with this character/performer. There are four participants in this match that I would be happy to see them get this opportunity just for the interest of fairness and balance yes I would leave a space wide open for a Wild Card Rule opportunity, I would take Natalya out of this match just on a quick side note but who knows a man might win it again this year.

Lacey Evans vs. the Raw & SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch Raw Women’s Title Match: my pick is Becky Lynch, now I'm just going to say it as it is again, with another rhetorical question "What precisely has Lacey Evans done to get even this opportunity?" I mean I would have preferred to see Naomi have this opportunity [potentially this would have been a good match] and then Lacey Evans win's the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, yes I don't like this character but at least my way it would give her character some forward momentum and explain why she has the opportunity she has.

On a side note as this match is it would have been much more interesting and engaging to add the stipulation of the loser has to go and do a scene with the puppets from inside Bray Wyatt’s "Firefly Fun House" something like they do on Sesame Street, because as this match is I have not been watching the build-up but I can tell you this; I have no interest in this match whatsoever. In fact if we are being honest I have just been watching a little bit here and maybe a little bit there of both the red and the blue brands.

The Miz vs. Shane McMahon Steel Cage Match: my pick is Shane McMahon, I am getting the feeling of déjà vu again here, well this is going to make me feel and sound very old, set your time machines back to 14 February 1999 where we had "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon in a Steel Cage Match at the pay-per-view called "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" where we have a certain Paul Donald Wight II a.k.a. Big Show making an impact on his debut. I mean if The Miz was going to win here all they have to do is copy and paste this scenario here or something to this effect and maybe get Sullivan to play the role of the Big Show from the perspective of throwing The Miz against the Steel Cage consequently it breaks or have Sullivan break the Steel Cage. [I have just realized I have said something similar to this in the previous predictions pay-per-view WWE WrestleMania 2019, like I have previously said I will leave the link down below.]

But in fairness and balance if they were going to do something like this, it is a good idea, I mean it makes sense and with everything they are doing minus Bray Wyatt’s "Firefly Fun House"and Becky Lynch as a double champion at the moment [in short she needs new feuds which makes sense, this is a hierarchy problem I have nothing against her] and I think I would be more interested in the red and blue brand championships pictures if we didn't have the WWE Superstar Shake-Up 2019 [still ongoing] and then we have this terrible absolutely terrible idea the wild Card Rule [to be honest who knows what is going on with this thing.] The more time I think about it, the more time I am leaning towards yes if we didn't have these two ongoing things I would be much more interested in the red and blue main championship pictures, like I have just said the more time I am thinking about it, the more time I am of the mind set. Because of these two ongoing situations I am finding it somewhat difficult to be invested in this company.

So if you wanted in basic English I will go searching for/watch bits of this company that I know generally speaking would be good to watch [I know the storyline for the women's championships pictures were long and insufferable heading into this year's WrestleMania, but at least Lynch and Charlotte made the best of what was given to them and yes I have been told that the sequence involving these three competitors and the police backstage was excellent or higher praise was given,] but here and now this company is struggling to keep me interested, like for an example give me three grounded and well-developed tag team divisions for a start and then I may become more interested, I mean I know not too long ago on the blue side of things their division was dominated by three different teams and at this point I would even take that, at least these matches were universally acknowledged to be of high-quality and entertaining, okay I think I will stop there on this subject, because creatively I find it very irritating that this company have so much potential at their disposal and yet they cannot be creatively motivated to make three tag team divisions of a very high standard and depth.

Roman Reigns vs. Elias: my pick is Roman Reigns, but let's be honest with ourselves Elias could do with picking up the win here as well; they have done very little to nothing with this character/performer in a wrestling sense.

Kevin Owens vs. the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston: my pick is Kofi Kingston, but after this I'm not so sure, what I mean by this; would be this at the next US pay-per-view you may see a new WWE Champion, the more I think about it the more it seems more possible or more likely that this hierarchy would do it then or they could do it now but it feels a little bit early, but whatever option this company takes they need to get behind either option and give them a good foundation to work from [in short no incredibly short reigns with this championship like for an example, one pay-per-view a new champion, next pay-per-view a new champion and so on,] but whatever the outcome my message is simple WWE don't mess this up

AJ Styles versus the Universal Champion Seth Rollins: my pick is Seth Rollins in short it just feels too soon to change the champion here, basically it is a very similar situation to the previous paragraph, I don't know if this company are aware at the moment they are very lucky to have these four participants which either way they decide to take things their fan base would be happy. [Warning even though I have just said this there may be some people out there that maybe would be unhappy if Kingston wasn't Champion,] but once again my message is simple to this company WWE don't screw up this opportunity have some medium-range plans in place, the only reason that there shouldn't be any medium-range plans for the next couple of months is because of unforeseen situations. I would have liked to say long-term plans, but if they could work on some medium-range plans for the next couple of months it would be a start.

Charlotte Flair vs. the Raw and SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch SmackDown Women’s Title Match: my pick is Becky Lynch, now speaking of déjà vu again haven't we been here before in one way or another. I mean yes this is going to be a top-quality match, but we could do with some new match ups and leave this alone for a while and again I have realized didn't this company/it's hierarchy say something to the effect of "No more automatic rematches" in fact this match up undermines the Winner Takes All stipulation, so smart move here, they cannot have a character/performer saying something to the effect of I didn't loose the match" and then having a rematch, it makes this character/performer look immature.

Now I'm aware that I'm going to say something controversial and irritate some people out there in Internet land, but sometime soon I would like to see Lynch drop the SmackDown Women’s Championship.

Because looking at the bigger picture she is more than capable of holding these two championships, but however she is a big asset to this company and any future company she works for, so currently she is doing double the work load which basically means she is having plenty of opportunities to wrestle and other things on top of that or looking on the other side to get injured and this company may really, really dislike what I am about to say next, but as we have already discussed I just say it as it is; this company as it stands right here and right now this company need her to put butts in seats and for the TV ratings so they cannot afford for her to get injured long-term and to make this crystal clear it isn't because she is a woman I am saying this.

For an example; if I had Daniel Bryan as a double champion, I would need a guarantee or as best as it gets that he is physically up for it short-term from himself and the medical staff [maybe have him going in to one of the big pay-per-views of the year as a double champion,] but dropping both to create new storylines and so on and so forth, but then giving Daniel Bryan some time off, because I would understand he has a medical history so regardless if he is fit or not he is having the time off and secondly he puts butts in seats and for the TV ratings.

So as it relates to Becky Lynch, after this pay-per-view I would prefer it, if the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner cashed in the contract sooner rather than later at some point for the SmackDown Women’s Championship, but if you still want to have a dig you are free to do so, but you know I am talking sense and like I have previously stated this company cannot afford her to have a long-term injury.

Now my last section is going to be this; beginning with another rhetorical question "Why did this company take the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships off Banks and Bailey, then just have The IIconics do nothing with them?"

The reason why I am bringing this up here, it is because they don't have a match on this card and it is now Friday 17/05/2019, so this championship change seems to have been a waste of time and a pointless exercise, I should just point out I don't have a problem with The IIconics, I am specifically talking about the hierarchy of this company.

I mean let's look at the bigger picture shall we; firstly how are these championships going to get credibility if they are not defended more specifically defended on a pay-per-view, but moving on how are The IIconics going to get credibility as champions if they are not in matches once again specifically it would help the situation if individually or together they won some [on a side note I should just point out again I haven't watched much wrestling from this company may be a little bit here and a little bit there.]

This company are going to really dislike what I have to say next, because it is based on fact; now just maybe, just maybe if they didn't do this championship change they would still have Banks willing to work for them and this current situation between this company and this character/performer wouldn't have happened.

Here is a good idea; maybe someone from the hierarchy needs a new pair of glasses to fix their short-sightedness, but maybe this wouldn't be a good idea because if they did get a new pair of glasses they would be able to see that just over the horizon in a convoy of lorries and other vehicles travelling towards them are their new noisy neighbours All Elite Wrestling [this seems a good point to remind you if you haven't already don't forget to purchase All Elite Wrestling's first official pay-per-view AEW Double or Nothing Saturday 25/05/2019.]

I would like to do a predictions blog for that pay-per-view, but I may as well give you a heads up here, it is going to be guessing here because I know little bits and pieces and that is it [I know by definition a prediction is a guess anyway, but I like to have some knowledge] and yes I have purchased it [in fact I did it on the day it was announced to be available to watch in my country.]

My final little point should be this: the WWE need to be careful on what they say to their audiences, because as I have pointed out quite a few times in this blog, they have gone against what they have said or here is a better idea have a medium-range plan in place before saying things.

Updated: Saturday 18/05/2019: I know there has been a change in the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, but I am standing by my pick, but to be fair it would be about time they did something with Cross as well

Updated: Monday 20/05/2019:  I have to issue an apology I was thinking that The Usos vs. the SmackDown Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan & Rowan, the championships were on the line I was wrong, apologies for that but in my defence it was a PPV they should be on the line, I have gotten rid of some of this blog but my predictions have stayed the same.

Last updated Wednesday 22/05/2019: I have decided to put back in where I had made a mistake or the equivalent of it or the rough version of it as it relates to The Usos vs. the SmackDown Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan & Rowan, because it highlights that I do make mistakes and this match was the very last to be announced for this pay-per-view.

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE WrestleMania 2019 Link

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