Wednesday 3 April 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE WrestleMania 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE WrestleMania 2019 by AverageMansReviews

From the very beginning: I should point out some things I am beginning this blog over a week before this event, so that I can dictate this with plenty of time to spare so the matches may not be in the right order and I am going to be saying some controversial things in this blog is well.

Tony Nese vs.
the WWE Cruiserweight Champion Buddy Murphy: my pick is Tony Nese, I have never hidden the fact that I don't have the option to watch this division, but simply put a change of Champion is what is going to happen here.

WrestleMania Women’s Battle Royal: my pick is Asuka, simply put this company owe her something, after the way they have treated her for so long now, but if they don't I like this performer, but if things don't get better for her she should be thinking of leaving this company.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: my pick is EC3, just because this would be a good way to begin reintroducing him, but then again with both of these Battle Royal's I don't see the point of them other than getting more performers on the card, because it's not like a winner gets a push or like this of substance. Yes I have seen a video on YouTube about the previous winners, outlining there has been some progression in some situations, but for me I am talking about celebrating or pushing someone new. I am not a gatekeeper here but it is a valid point nonetheless, if you were a wrestler given the Intercontinental Championship many, many years ago or in some years the winner of King of the Ring, that was a good indication of where this individual was going in the company so I don't see why these Battle Royals couldn't do the same thing

So yes in one of my previous blogs [Wasted: Becky Lynch vs. the SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey Triple-Threat at WrestleMania 35,] I did say something to the effect of with  Asuka dropping the SmackDown Women's Championship to Charlotte Flair, it was a positive because it would take one match off this very large card, but what I would have done without question is scrap these Battle Royals, other than the points I have just made in the previous paragraph of basically getting more characters/performers on the card, use these Battle Royals properly or get rid of them but other than that there is no value in them whatsoever [case and point what happened to Mojo Rawley other than tagging with Zack Ryder and speaking to himself in a mirror,] so that Asuka could have had her Championship Match [in fact the more time I spend thinking about this the more time I am leaning towards something new and fresh a 20 person Battle Royal the final man and woman standing gets the choice of which championship they want to face at the next pay-per-view and no championships are off the table so if they can find a tag team partner from anywhere between any roster in this Universe and if that is what they want fair enough including if they meet the weight restriction on the purple brand as well, this idea is designed to get fresh feuds or fresh number one contenders in their pictures]

Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs.
the Raw Tag Team Champions The Revival: my pick is The Revival, this match is a no-win situation, either way one of these teams are going to get buried or even more buried as it relates to Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder, in a Kayfabe sense these two characters are very much pushing up the daisies anyway. But they haven't been given anything to work with for such a long long time [unless you count a Curt Hawkins losing streak,] they deserve much better individually or together they should go to All Elite Wrestling and I know I have said this in a previous blog but Asuka should do the same providing her situation doesn't get better.

Ricochet & Aleister Black vs. The Bar vs. Shinsuke Nakamura & Rusev vs. the SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos Fatal 4-Way Match: my pick is The Usos, if I had to have a guess a new tag team will arrive on the blue brand on the first SmackDown after this pay-per-view to challenge The Usos. I say this with sarcasm great stipulation on this match, it's not like we have one on this card already, oh wait we do, Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs. The IIconics vs. Nia Jax & Tamina vs. the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Bayley & Sasha Banks Fatal 4-Way Match.

Now just to make sure I am not being unreasonable usually I wouldn't mind the same stipulation being used more than once on the same card, my perspective is purely from this perspective; look everyone knows that this card or pay-per-view is going to be long and possibly tiresome, so why didn't they do something different here like an Elimination Tag Team Match or have these tag teams pick a number and based on the order of those numbers they can do a run the gauntlet kind of thing or a Ladder Match or just pick a member of the tag team to represent their tag teams in a Fatal 4-Way where the winner takes the Tag Team Championships for their tag team, I mean in this paragraph I have shown good varieties and it may be took me less than 20 minutes to do these two things think about it and dictate it [on a quick side note I wasn't keeping an eye on the time.]

Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin in Kurt Angle’s Farewell Match: my pick is Baron Corbin, based on what we know this match is still happening and how much I really, really don't like it and on top of that because I have been watching this company since the mid-1980's or somewhere around here, I have learned many things about it such as in this case, there is no value to this company if they were to allow Angle to walk away with a win in his final match [even though it would be the right thing to do,] it would benefit this company if Corbin was to pick up the win, because for the foreseeable future his heat from the WWE Universe on any level would be firstly natural and secondly something that this company wouldn't have to do anything for, basically free heat for Corbin [I know this character/performer gets heat anyway but this company wouldn't waste this massive opportunity to get this large amount of heat on one character/performer and I'm going to say this again it is for free and requires no effort on this company's part.]

"The Demon" Finn Bálor
vs. the Intercontinental Champion Bobby Lashley: my pick is "The Demon" Finn Bálor, please bring this feud to an end it is doing nothing for the credibility of the Intercontinental Championship. They could even put Lashley in the Universal Championship picture and just let Bálor make this championship great again, but first things first just end this feud.

Rey Mysterio vs. the United States Champion Samoa Joe: my pick is Rey Mysterio, this pick is going to need some explaining, because I think the match itself is going to be good, but I just have this feeling that the storyline is more important here, from this perspective I find it strange that we are seeing Mysterio's son so I am expecting him to get involved in this match, consequently a new Champion, but on top of that Joe is going to want revenge on Mysterio's son [Dominic] which will lead to Dominic's in-ring debut at some point in the future and I also find it strange that Andrada has been seemingly dropped from the feud with Rey Mysterio/the United States Championship picture for now [he is in this year's Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal what a waste of his talents/skills] .

AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton: my pick is Randy Orton, just because of two reasons this may be a slight jab at TNA [it goes by the name of Impact Wrestling,] that one of your originals cannot beat one of our originals and the second reason is I expect this feud to continue, whatever the result.

Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs. The IIconics vs. Nia Jax & Tamina vs. the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Bayley & Sasha Banks Fatal 4-Way Match: my pick is Bayley & Sasha Banks; in short it is not time to drop these titles yet.

Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre: my pick is Roman Reigns, with an assist from Ambrose. I also expect this feud to continue, you see if Ambrose gets involved in this match it gives McIntyre the ammunition to say Roman you cannot beat me on your own and now one of your brothers has gone; I dare you to try and beat me again one-on-one." [I should just point out I could be wrong about this, from the perspective of I think Ambrose's contract runs out after this pay-per-view and not before.]

Shane McMahon vs. The Miz Falls Count Anywhere Match: my pick is Shane McMahon with an assist from somebody, maybe someone from NXT, whoever it may be, by doing things this way it instantly establishes the character/performer in a high-caliber feud with The Miz, if I had to guess and this is just a guess maybe Lars Sullivan. [On a quick side note please, please keep this individual/character away from Stroman,] just because I want to see Sullivan establish himself first and let's be honest whilst we are on the subject Stroman is in desperate need of rebuilding as a character anyway, I can easily see him being eliminated from the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, by those two Saturday Night Live guys, If I had to come up with a guess for the future Sullivan vs. Stroman at Survivor Series 2019.

Triple H vs. Batista No Holds Barred Match: my pick is Triple H, simply put I think Ric Flair is going to get involved consequently Triple H is going to pick up the win and even with the extra stipulation of if Triple H should lose it will bring an end to his in-ring career, I just don't see it happening considering Batista wants to retire after this match or run with the company I don't know about his contract situation such as one and done or something else.

Seth Rollins vs. the Universal Champion Brock Lesnar: my pick is Seth Rollins, my message here is very, very, very simple put this championship back into full-time use, because if the hierarchy of this company are not aware of this I will make it very clear, if you're worried about the TV ratings of your apparent flagship show, it may help the situation if you were to put the brand championship on a character/performer that is their consistently, I am really hoping that Lesnar hasn't been offered and accepted another contract extension, this monopolization of this championship has gone for way, way, way too long and it hasn't been fun to watch or to experience, it is very similar to Brexit.

Kofi Kingston vs.
the WWE Champion “The New” Daniel Bryan: my pick is “The New” Daniel Bryan, my theory/storyline is something like this; I don't see this company giving us too many good things, so this one may have to be sacrificed and I have more to say; I also see Big E. and Woods betraying Kingston, there is something about this storyline that tells me that this could be a possibility, with them being told they are a B+ tag team and everything about them may be leaving and so on and so forth.

Becky Lynch vs.
the SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs.
the Raw Woman's Champion Ronda Rousey
Winner Takes All Match: my pick is Charlotte Flair, well I am not going to lie here I had to completely scrap my prediction here after Monday's 01/04/2019 Raw with the added stipulation of winner takes all, I can only see this going one way now, mainly for two reasons [but there are others as well,] they wouldn't dare make Charlotte Flair a transitional champion [this basically means giving a championship or championships to one or two characters/performers to take it off one individual or individuals just to put it on another in a short space of time] and the second reason is I have seen a picture of Charlotte holding both championships.

I haven't really hidden the fact that I think this company have really truly messed up this whole what should have been a glorious triple threat [on a quick side note I have just realized that I have been leaving a dash whenever I have been saying triple threat when there shouldn't have been I won't be doing this again apologies for this.] But back onto the subject, I say this with sarcasm I mean now they have taken the SmackDown Championship away from Asuka, it now makes perfect sense for them to potentially bury both red and blue brand women's divisions, so as it relates to the women's the brand split is over again?

Let's just say I am so, so happy I am not paying for the subscription even if it was free for a month, the management/storylines for this pay-per-view have been boring to watch or terrible and even though I have been saying in my previous predictions before this blog "The New" Daniel Bryan could lose his Championship at this pay-per-view, I am sticking to my prediction in this blog, because I don't know if it is because I am cynical as it relates to this company, but they like sticking it to their Universe, just please, please take the Universal Championship off Lesnar.

Now just before I finish, from now on and I know I have said this in a previous blog already, but this will be the final time, any blog on wrestling or wrestling related, I will be leaving the stipulation or stipulations out of the header and putting it in a line or first paragraph, just because it is much, much easier for me to update a paragraph than change a header.

From now on and in previous predictions as well I have decided to leave out the/take out words Kickoff Match/Pre-Show Matches and update it, say the Friday or Saturday before hand if I can find the information and just put it here, so here we are; we have Tony Nese vs. the WWE Cruiserweight Champion Buddy Murphy, WrestleMania Women’s Battle Royal and Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Now I get why these matches were chosen, but on the other hand it doesn't do too much for the prestige of these three matches and on a very quick side note I have no idea where on the card Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs. the Raw Tag Team Champions The Revival goes [simply put I looked on and there it was,] let's assume two things from now on I have probably put the order of the matches in the wrong order and as long as I get my predictions down and try to update these blogs whenever I can beforehand that is all what matters.

Last updated: 05/04/2019

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