Wednesday 10 April 2019

Brooklyn's Finest 2009/2010 by AverageMansReviews

Brooklyn's Finest 2009/2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is mixed

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, slow-motion, mental imagery, effects, time jumps and place jumps.

In short for now the general movement of this title is mixed, I will explain in the next section of this review.

Storyline: first of all without giving too much away there are three storylines happening in this film, the viewers follow these three characters in their individual storylines. Now here's why the general movement is mixed, sometimes the crossovers from one to the other are well-planned such as for an example we could have two characters in one scene, the audience could come into this scene on the back of one storyline and leave off the back of another storyline.

But on the other hand this project does lift up the viewers from one storyline to another and put us down again in a different storyline but my point here is this; this title does run the risk of unsettling the balance like for another example you could be settled/this film could be settled in a storyline, but then you could be taken somewhere else and then having to get settled again before moving again, that is if this title at that point gives you time to settle down again. There is one more point I should quickly say about this storyline it is one of those films that leaves things on a question-mark or question marks at the end of this title and for the time length of this project being roughly 132 minutes I want a better ending.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, combat elements and chasing sequences.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are something safe and reliable, but the performances are difficult to call just because without repeating myself too much, the audience is jumping from storyline to storyline and having to get settled again and so on and so forth with these characters in their individual storylines, so briefly I think I'm going to go with solid to good to be fair.

This film receives: 4/10, now because of everything I have said in this review this mark feels right.

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