Tuesday 9 April 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 12: Power Ranger Punks by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 12: Power Ranger Punks by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

5 things about this episode

Back storys: there are two back storys sequences one of this monster in this episode and the second without giving too much away is of this antidote which is much more interesting, because the viewers get to see Zordon in a physical presence.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: the artistic visions as it relates to this monster are well thought out, be it his image [for one example when he eats a Power Ranger their head appears on his stomach] or when he performs an attack either with these power attacks [I don't know what else to call them, but you will notice them when they happen] or he can just eat The Power Rangers.

Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger uses her Power Bow. [I am talking about the element of this episode at the final time she uses it.] The camera work for this small element has imagination to it, because the audience gets to be really, really up close and personal with this arrow and see the different perspectives whilst it is on its journey to its destination.

Character developments: simply put the punks elements are a cliché, now because I am from the alternative lifestyle myself, these two main characters are dressed up like rockers and not out and out punks or unless in fairness and balance they mean the attitude/personality traits, but still as I have already said this is a cliché because not everyone from the alternative or specifically punks lifestyle acts this way.

Comedy level: Bulk & Skull have a very good scene and scenes or sequences with other main characters/performers of this cast

This episode receives: 6/10, not to put a downer on this mark or episode, but the more you watch of it the better it gets.

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