Friday 29 March 2019

Wasted: Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey Triple-Threat at WrestleMania 35 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey Triple-Threat at WrestleMania 35 by AverageMansReviews

Why have I chosen this match: now I want to see this match, but throughout this blog you will see why I am struggling to keep interested in it; it should be noted I haven't really been watching it lately, ever since someone got involved from the crowd and on top of that I will tell you why I am doing this now even though we have a little while to go yet until this event.

Well it is simple; the WrestleMania card for this year's event is massive, that particular blog is possibly going to take me anywhere between 1 to 2 days to get ready before this year's WrestleMania event.

What went wrong: where to start really and if I forget something this is just a rough outline. The authority figures elements [even when we had all four authority figures standing in the ring, basically saying we have let you down, so we will change [there were other things said as well.] But here is a rhetorical question, why is it that we have these authority figures getting involved in this situation?

Taking Lynch out of this WrestleMania Match and the storyline elements such as Lynch getting arrested, even though this outsider hits someone and it is recorded on camera, doesn't get arrested for assaulting somebody even though he has nothing to do with this company [all he has is a connection to one of these competitors.]

Rousey is destroying Kayfabe; I get it she is a heel and there will be some people out there saying it is working on someone like me and to that I say no. Because all this is doing including everything else; is I am just looking forward to the night after this event, just for the record I am not in denial I am very much aware that wrestling is a work and so on and so forth, I just don't like it being thrown in my face this strongly and not forgetting the small detail or details they have two other storyline elements circling around breaking Kayfabe or this is fake on this card, so it brings up another rhetorical question; I wonder if the WWE would allow anyone paying for any ticket or subscription or anything with Monopoly money? I mean as this is a fake work it would seem logical to be paid with fake money [I am being sarcastic,] but in the same token it makes this good question, why keep telling everyone it is fake when people are spending good money to forget it is fake, we know it is fake. The more I think about it, the more I think this company has to be careful on this subject from now on. Because they have very much overused it and if they keep saying things to this effect, eventually people will jump ship to somewhere else where they can watch their wrestling in peace and be entertained without this nagging wrestling is fake thing.

What I would have done: straight off the bat absolutely no men is to get involved in this situation whatsoever [minus the referees or some characters that you need to break up a fight, they are absolutely fine and just before anyone says anything obviously "The Man" is absolutely fine as well] but other than that absolutely no man are to get involved.

Because there are two very good reasons for this; the women have worked so hard for this, so they should be given the opportunity to shine on the biggest stage possible in wrestling and the second is more out of fear or possibility that we may be looking at another situation where either a man or men get involved such as the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match 2017 [yes when it is appropriate I will be bringing this up time after time after time after time, simply because how much this company wants you to forget this happened it was a man who won the first-ever Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match 2017.]

So moving on, I would have had Stephanie, Lynch, Flair and Rousey, try to dominate each other in one way or another. Like Stephanie could use any of the three rosters [I am including NXT] to show her power and influence and not forgetting the positives of showing off some new female NXT characters/performers, instead of them just coming down and waving and then going back [on a quick side note this whole thing just irritates me,] but carrying on pull away from this whole breaking Kayfabe and instead just use her as a female version of Lesnar [the only difference being one shows up more on a consistent basis than the other,] so when the bell rings just let her lay into people and make a statement that way. So when you get to this event it should have more of a clash of the titans feel to it and you could even put Stephanie in the match as a Special Guest Referee, which would add another layer to this feud; is Stephanie going to screw someone over or is she going to be professional in her role? When it came to the match itself, she would let a fair amount go between the three of them and have no one interfere, but screw no one instead play some mind games instead after the match she could raise the arm/hand of the winner exchange looks, just a little something to say "I am happy with this outcome" and could leave the winner to celebrate as she left the ring and walked up the ramp and behind the scenes, with the winner looking slightly confused by this but returns to celebrating nonetheless, you could even have Triple H watching this on a TV screen and join by Stephanie watching the rest of the celebration.

Let me make this quite clear before I finish this up, I was heavily excited for this Triple-Threat Match and what I've seen throughout this terrible build Lynch and Flair [individually or together] have tried to put some enthusiasm back into things of what I can remember or vaguely remember, I mean this is another point I know I haven't watched for some time, but I can't remember too much with confidence about this build to this very important match which in a way it is sad. Because it shows how much the WWE have wasted this journey to this iconic match and don't misunderstand me I am interested in this match, but as the time has moved on with everything that has gone on my enthusiasm has got so much less and less and less, thank you WWE; I am being sarcastic again.

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