Friday 29 March 2019

Wasted: Becky Lynch vs. the SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey Triple-Threat at WrestleMania 35 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Becky Lynch vs. the SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey Triple-Threat at WrestleMania 35 by AverageMansReviews

Updated 02/04/2019: a stipulation has been added to this match of Winner Takes All, from now on I'm going to leave the stipulations out of the header of these blogs and if there are any stipulations I will put them in the first paragraph, just because it is much, much easier to update.

How could this storyline get any worse: straight off the bat; if you want more of my opinions of this situation which I will try not to bring up here please do look at the blog entitled Wasted: Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch vs. The Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey Triple-Threat at WrestleMania 35, I have been watching a little bit of the red and blue brands, but I have found something better to do like sleeping, but I move on how could this storyline get any worse well they found a way, I did watch the title match between Charlotte Flair and the SmackDown Women's Champion Asuka and this title drop is and was badly, badly so badly timed [in fact it was completely unnecessary.]

Now as I have a reputation of trying to be fair and balanced whenever possible, I will be positive for 2 seconds the match itself [away from the storyline] between Flair and Asuka based on my small screen at the time was highly entertaining and the other positive thing is there is one less match at this event [having said that I would think so, because if there isn't one less match at this upcoming event, I really don't see why dropping this title or championship as a positive so close to the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling.]

I may as well come out and say it from the very beginning of this section or sections the next thing I will be discussing is controversial, I don't have any problems with discussing it because even though I may run the risk of getting criticized for it, I have facts to back up my opinion, so even though I am saying these things it is more based on as I have already said facts and observations so before you get your pitchforks out if there wasn't enough evidence to suggest this I wouldn't be discussing it.

What do the following characters/performers all have in common in no particular order; Asuka, Rusev, Nakamura, Cross and yes I am aware he is not with this company anymore, but he deserves to be mentioned in this line up Neville and if I'm going to make this point I have to point out yes Black is doing well at the moment, Bálor is in the Intercontinental Championship picture [but let's be honest they haven't really treated him well, other than making him the first-ever Universal Champion in 2016] and of course there is Lynch [let us never forget that this company wanted to turn her heel,] but their Universe had different ideas, Cesaro and Sheamus [a.k.a. The Bar,] together they have had a good career [there are other characters/performance are not on this list,] but my point is this; these characters/performers are and I say this based on facts they are all foreigners.

Let's take a look at these characters/performers in this list, now after the match on the blue brand I am now concerned for Asuka as a character, because even with the championship they were burying her, which I know this sounds like a strange concept, because what usually should be happening is as a champion the individual should be getting the opportunity to make their championship or reign means something or improve their standing within the company they are a part of [something like this; this person held our middle championship and made something out of it and left that particular division in very good shape, so let's see what this individual does with a main picture championship reign.] But I really don't know where Asuka goes from here, they have taken so much away from this character that her credibility as a threat to any championship is pretty much nonexistent. I mean she had to overcome her first loss, the thing with Carmela and a wrestler which isn't with this company anymore and now this uneventful championship reign, so as you can see I don't know where she goes from here, maybe All Elite Wrestling.

Rusev; it is clear that this character/performer cannot do anything right, I mean yes he has held championships for this company, but all he will ever be to this company is a heel foreigner, let's forget about how much money he could make for this company with himself and English using Rusev Day, it shouldn't matter that the hierarchy of this company don't get Rusev Day, all that the hierarchy need to know is it makes money and let's not forget Rusev given the right space and time can be a charismatic figure, I mean Rusev could have rebuilded the United States Championship division [yes I am happy with Joe rebuilding this division,] but the treatment of Rusev has been terrible.

Nakamura; sadly this character/performer is just another victim of the NXT call-up to the main rosters [if you have no idea what I'm talking about in a nutshell it is this; down in NXT they get to show their real potential, abilities and skills.] But when they come up to the main rosters they get crushed, yes he has held the United States Championship here and there but that is it and of this blog he is in a tag team with Rusev; because they are heels and foreigners with Lana [a trio,] but before this; Rusev and Nakamura were feuding over the United States Championship which makes this tag team feel really forced together how can you go from one to the other at a flip of a light switch and let us not forget Lana was hurt in the storyline.

Cross and Neville; simply put where is she? Let's be really honest here we have seen much more of Evans than we have of Cross and these two women are meant to be in the same class of NXT call-ups. Neville well I don't have too much to say here other than well done for leaving this company and going to All Elite Wrestling.

Black and Bálor; Black and Ricochet are making the right kind of sounds as a tag team, but it's just a shame that they are in a company that don't take tag team wrestling seriously [in fairness yes the blue brand is better at this.] How can I put this nicely; just get Bálor and the Intercontinental Championship away from this terrible feud with Lashley and Rush, come on let's see what a fit Bálor can do with a long championship reign.

Lynch; she is the hottest characters/performers that this company has.

Cesaro: I really don't think this character/performer has really been given a fair/honest push without him being booked to consistently lose, which is a massive tragedy because he has the skills and talents to wrestle [as of this blog he has held one individual championship [the United States Championship in 2013.]

Sheamus: now out of these two characters/performers this individual has had the better career with holding many individual championships [yes I do mean this as  different championship reigns.]

The WWE have painted themselves into a corner: now I will be discussing the main event of this year's WrestleMania, let's just take things as they are right here and right now, so this is what we know Rousey is leaving after this pay-per-view, so she will be dropping the Raw Women's Championship to Lynch then? Because if they play this completely wrong Flair will be a champion on both brands which in turn would make the brand split pointless and useless and not forgetting there would be a very loud outrage that Lynch didn't win the Raw Women's Championship unless you have both championships up for grabs, but it wouldn't make much difference they would still have the same problem.

This company have ruined this entire build and I say this with sarcasm I'm just amazed how they keep finding ways to take more and more and more and more of my enthusiasm away from wanting to see this match.

Last updated: 04/04/2019

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