Friday 29 March 2019

Wasted: Baron Corban vs. Kurt Angle [Kurt Angle's Farewell Match] at WrestleMania 35 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Baron Corban vs. Kurt Angle [Kurt Angle's Farewell Match] at WrestleMania 35 by AverageMansReviews

Welcome to some more new contents: like with every wrestling contents minus the predictions and which storyline would be better this may or may not be a consistent thing, I am not making up any excuses but there are only a certain amount of hours in a day and there is only one of me.

Now you may get the general idea of this blog now or at the end [and before people say this match may be subject to change, I would like this to be true, but I can only deal with here and now.] So here and now we have this match, yes this match oh why this match?

There are much, much, much better options it just depends on which way the WWE wanted to go, I mean yes you could go for someone established like Stroman or Cena [I know everyone is hoping Cena is the replacement for Corban] or anyone from NXT [I have never hidden the fact I don't have this option,] but I would prefer someone up and coming to have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to wrestle Angle which in turn would instantly establish them or you could have Angle announce an open challenge for his WrestleMania 35 Retirement Match [so they could keep everyone guessing until the pay-per-view] on the night, where you could have two wrestlers racing down to the ring, an argument breaks out and to stop the argument Angle gets on a mic and says "Hell as it is my final match I will take you both on right here and right now in a Triple-Threat Match."

So as you can clearly see there are much better options they could have taken I don't see why it should be Corban; he has done very little with the pushes he has been given such as winning [in no particular order so if I get it wrong, I get it wrong] the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 32 or Money In The Bank 2017 and one Championship the United States Championship [when this goes out; this has happened once in 2017.]

Now if we are going to talk about his accolades and accomplishments let's talk about them all shall we, being a terrible General Manager of Raw and let's not forget or how could I forget even though it is completely forgettable how he with McIntyre, Lashley and Rush have destroyed the mid-card of Raw for some time now [just for the record if you are wondering if I'm getting confused with the words accolades and accomplishments in this paragraph I am being sarcastic.]

But seriously I am struggling with why he should be given this opportunity when Angle deserves someone new or established to go out on and have a WrestleMania moment with.

If I had to make this situation work: this paragraph is self-explanatory, I have been told by the powers that be this match is booked, so I would focus on after the match and give something to the crowd and the millions watching at home. Now after Angle as spending some time in the ring just looking at the crowd and saying thank you and waving goodbye [Corban is sitting on the floor leaning against the ring.] The cameras look up at the ramp, there are many superstars making a line on each side of the ramp and they begin to clap, as Angle begins to make the slow walk up the ramp, he stops at some individuals such as McIntyre, the crowd can sense the tension, McIntyre extends a hand, Angle pushes it away McIntyre looks slightly a little bit angry [the crowd sense more tension,] but Angle goes in for a hug and says "You remind me of a younger me" and as he moves away he points and says to the crowd "Get behind this man, he is going places."

On the next stop, he comes to Stroman and gives him a handshake and some quick advice "You are big, you are strong, your quick and you are intelligent, so go and make your mark in this business and don't let anyone stand in your way."On his next stop [one on each side,] we have AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Angle looks at AJ and then he looks at Joe and just says "I am very proud of you both" then attempts to walk to the back but AJ and Joe stop him from leaving, they turn Angle around, lifting him up and putting him on the shoulder each.

Suddenly Corban comes running up the ramp to spoil the moment, but he is cut off by Cena [potentially a short-term feud can be made here.] But for here and now there is a fight going on between Corban and Cena, Angle gets put down so he can join in, these three characters/performers head back to the ring with Cena and Angle saying to each other loud and clear "Ruthless Aggression" so with that they really kick off on Corban with more fighting, with an Attitude Adjustment and then an Angle Slam, they look at one another to give off the body language, "Why not let's do it again." So that is what they do, they go in for a third time but Angle has a better idea, he begins to wave down Stroman to the ring, Stroman gets the idea comes into the ring and delivers his Power Slam [or in case I have got the move wrong it is like a walking or running Power Slam,] Angle's music hits and everyone is standing and clapping with Angle, Cena and Stroman in the ring.

But as things are [once again when this goes out,] they could have really sent Angle out on a high win or lose but this match is hardly looking like fun, so this is why this is my first entry into Wasted.

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