Tuesday 12 March 2019

The Building of: RAW Volume 1 by AverageMansReviews

The Building of: RAW Volume 1 by AverageMansReviews

I didn't plan to do this today, because I only put these out really around the next WWE pay-per-view, but I have a lot to say and to be honest yet balanced I am going to say right here right now I am not going to be pulling any of my punches [I should just point out just for arguments sake that I never use any colorful language in anything,] I produce or my professional presence, but everything else is on the table [I am not sure if I have gotten everything in the right order as it relates to this TV program, but at the very least everything should make sense.]

Now straight off the bat I watched some of this week's programming in one way or another so I am not claiming I have seen all of it [I think I missed the opening section and more and I switched off when Nia Jax & Tamina were coming down the ramp.] The only thing I did like was Aleister Black & Ricochet vs. Bobby Roode & Chad Gable match/with The Revival element after [now having taken two minutes to think about it the commentary didn't do much for me,] but I can't take anything away from the match itself and the after match.

The Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey/
with Dana Brooke after: well thank you WWE for taking this highly anticipated Triple-Threat match on the biggest stage of them all Wrestlemania and turning it into something dirty and disgusting, when it should have been something celebrated for being a massive milestone [on a quick side note if you cannot tell I was being sarcastic with the thank you.]

I can backup my opinion of the WWE turning this beautiful and inspiring to young people, to be a little bit more specific young women that if you work hard you can reach the same level as men in this industry. But after last night's line or lines about "I can expose Charlotte, Becky and the WWE for being the carney con-artists they have always been."

Because in essence these lines are damaging to this company from the perspective of people are paying their good money to believe in these characters/performers, do I really have to say that yes we know it isn't real, but then again tell that to anyone that has been injured or worse because of this sport/sports entertainment, for some strange reason I think they would have a different opinion and yes I am aware that HHH and Dave Batista are doing a similar thing by saying this isn't real [including the Braun Strowman current storyline,] but the sentences I have already put in this paragraph from Rousey are much worse, she did say other things as well but these bits are too much

From this perspective if you want people to buy a ticket to your events of any description, watch your product or buy your merchandise and many other things, then I may just be an average man here but stop telling them that this isn't real or better yet inform your worldwide fan base they are being conned and in short the thing with Dana Brooke was just manipulative and very sad, because you have a character/performer just echoing how the crowd should be feeling and then to see Rousey just wiped the floor with her was just icing on this massive overflowing landfill site, I would have preferred to see Dana Brooke walkout down to the ring, enter the ring and walk up to Rousey and just floor her with one punch, with Rousey having a little smile [just something to illustrate "That was a good punch, now it is my turn"] and then quickly getting up and then wiping the floor with Brooke.

In a nutshell my interest in this golden Triple-Threat match at Wrestlemania 35 is pretty much all gone, I mean it is going to be a good match but that is all I can say about it now really.

A Moment of Bliss: short and sweet predictable and boring

Braun Strowman: sadly as it stands right here right now I can see what is coming from miles and miles away as it relates to this character/performer, he is going to be given a match at this year's Wrestlemania something similar to Floyd Mayweather vs. Big Show at Wrestlemania 24.

Lacey Evans: whatever the WWE are planning to do with this character/performer just stop it right now, newsflash she is already damaged goods and she hasn't done anything yet other than make an appearance here and there I have no interest in this character whatsoever, okay to cover my own back it may change over time. But she now has to climb a massive mountain to get me interested in her, which shouldn't be the case based on the fact she is a kind of new character/performer. But it has to be said in balance and in fairness what are the WWE doing with the group of NXT characters/performers she came up with anyway? the answer is little to nothing [minus one for having personal issues in the case of Lars Sullivan.]

I didn't see this next paragraph, but what is this company doing with one of its most respected championships [in the Intercontinental Championship,] I am being very serious here when I say what are they doing?! They take it off somebody that has very little charisma, connection with their audience and it didn't really work with him previously, to then put it on someone that has charisma, connection with your audience, brings excitement and many other things. Then just to put it back on the character/performer it didn't really work previously so it makes no sense to put it back on him again after such a short period of time

I feel like I am forgetting one massive gigantic thing here; oh yes I just remembered, this wouldn't be your only singles championship on your flagship show would it? [Yes I am being sarcastic again,] so rhetorically I ask again why take it off somebody that may put butts in seats and then out of their seats when this character/performer brings everything including the kitchen sink when he wrestles, then in a panic you rush down to NXT to solve the problem short-term, but as I have already made reference to in this blog this hasn't worked.

This is how I would restructure this TV program:

Wrestling matches: right we have three hours to fill, so the first thing is three main events; make sure the commentary team focus on that particular main event for that hour in their dialogue exchanges and not on the next two main events, they can say things like later on we have this; once in a while but the main priority is to get over the first hour's main event.

Where for example it could be a ladder match for the number 1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship [yes I am suggesting giving the Cruiserweights Division another go with real time and real substance to work with and no purple ropes.] You see by doing this; if this company takes this division seriously eventually your audience will take them seriously as well, depending how this goes and with variety in mind I would consider rotating this between the first and the second hours main event spots.

The second hour; tag team match, maybe a one-on-one or a Triple-Threat or something like this.

The third should be rotated between the main event of the roster or rosters meaning men one week and the women's the following week for variety and balance and the one that doesn't have the Main event this hour can be moved onto the second hour main event spot, where if this company is on the ball they could have a women's tag team match, but these are just rough descriptions of the key thing here is variety, I don't see why some of the cruiserweights cannot team with members of the red or blue brands.

Storylines & character developments/Back stage/
Authority figures: the storyline should be easy to follow and not change or just because [I understand about injuries so I think anyone can understand if and when this happens you have to change.] But other than that please stop coming up with these exploitative in bad taste storylines, we know you need to get heat for this character/performer but over recent years, they have continuously crossed the line and trying to make a face character when you're audience isn't buying it; it is painful watching and transparent. Moving on to the back stage simply put these could be better used the whole way around really.

Now we come onto one of the biggest problems authority figures; these are boring and outdated [this version of them is outdated] and it possibly makes this company look silly. Based on the facts one week they may say something and the next week I may turn on as if last week didn't happen or and I really, really strongly don't like this; they deliberately take any form of momentum away from a performer by handing their posterior to them or in Braun Strowman's case he hasn't been the same since being removed from the match at the Royal Rumble 2019 [vs. the Universal Champion Brock Lesnar.]

So this is what I suggest; why doesn't the WWE hold a General Election every four months, where the WWE Universe could vote from the four members of this family to run the show and they could do the same with SmackDown, by voting on WWE.com. So we have just  one authority figure [running both shows] or two authority figures one on each instead of four or if they want to get creative each member of this family could nominate someone to represent them, but when this person is put in charge that is it for four months [yes you can have moments when the person above them talks to them and the person or people automatically get entered into the next General Election to retain their position, it is up to the WWE Universe when or if someone should be relieved of their position.

The Universal Championship: in short please, please never ever put this championship in this position again, I'm not saying that you cannot have a part-timer hold this championship or any others, but pick somebody that wants to be there more frequently or get creative and uses social media or anything to give off the impression that I may not be there physically, but I am always watching and I don't really care that I may have said something like this already in different blogs.

Because why give your main championship on your number one show to someone that clearly doesn't want to be there, like I have already said I may be an average man but eventually it is going to affect your product and everything else which we have been experiencing this effect now for way too long.

Mid-Card: my final thing is this; sort this out it is very, very stale, tedious, monotonous and please get us out of this continuous loop of garbage [my rough outline of some structure would sort this out in time] and give it some much-needed variety, likewise if I have said something to this effect already in previous blogs I don't care, because if they addressed these issues in the first place I wouldn't have to bring them up again and again, in fact if I could see some change or changes I would be a little bit more like this; I can see they are making an effort or something to this effect.

I know everyone likes a pipe-bomb [definition reference to the wrestling community/business or other; this is where a performer says a mixture of predominantly the truth mixed in with some harsh wording.] So let me leave it like this at the moment we have two UFC fighters holding two of the biggest championships on this program, one clearly never looks like he wants to be there whilst the other has no concept of kayfabe, so this is what is Best For Business really? May be I should tell you what is best for business a little thing may be you have heard of it; it goes by the name of All Elite Wrestling.

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