Monday 11 March 2019

Battle Los Angeles 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Battle Los Angeles 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements:  there are words and numbers on screen, background music, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, voice-over elements, time jumps and place jumps.

I have to say generally speaking my interest in this title quickly got less and less, even though I am trying to be balanced in this review as I am in every other review; but this film is here, there and everywhere and don't get me wrong in the later stages it does pull itself together to make it something solid [I will be discussing this more in the next paragraph, but from a different perspective.]

Storyline: now as I was saying the fundamental elements and the movement of this title doesn't help things, but I think the storyline has to take some of the responsibility itself as well. I mean we don't get much background, yes little bits here and there, but other than that not much and whilst I'm on the subject; there is this big question-mark at the end of this title of what happen next?

Now for some strange reason, if I am going to sit through this 116 minutes project I want more than this big question-mark for an ending. On reflection even though yes this title feels solid later on, it now gives off the impression that they had to get to a certain point to finish this title on [or at the very least this idea cannot help but cross your mind after seeing it and taking time to think about it,] I didn't think about it until now to be fair.

Action sequences/Science-fiction elements: there is a workout element, training, weapons being used, vehicles and things that are either choppers or something to this effect and for one example there is a drop in of a hand grenade into a swimming pool.

The science-fiction elements are okay they serve their purpose, if I had to point out something for you to look out for when or if you come to watch this project, I could be wrong about this; it would be where this smaller alien ship sections itself off and away from this bigger alien ship.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are mostly poor to something okay, I mean some of these characters have an issue [I can't talk about that too much it is a point in the storyline] and I do understand the sensitive nature of it, but what is happening in the bigger picture right here and right now is much, much, much more of a bigger problem than this issue.

Moving on to the performances; I think it would be unfair of me to say they are poor, because of the character developments and the dialogue exchanges are briefly okay and our lead character/performer holds this film together.

This film receives: 1/10, now I have seen this title unless I lose this review somehow, I would be quite happy not to see ever again.

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