Thursday 7 March 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Fastlane 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Fastlane 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade: my pick is Rey Mysterio, for some strange reason I have a feeling that he may win here so they can have one more match at WrestleMania 35 [if I mentioned this number just once here, I'm going to presume everyone knows what I am making reference to in this document or blog from now on.]

Aleister Black & Ricochet vs. Chad Gable & Bobby Roode vs. the Raw Tag Team Champions The Revival
Triple Threat Match: my pick is The Revival, because the WWE may be trying to paint this tag team as when the chips are down they come through anything by any means necessary and whilst I'm on the subject please split up the team of Chad Gable & Bobby Roode, they can individually do better on their own, in a nutshell Gable as a face and Roode as a heel.

Mandy Rose vs.
the SmackDown Women’s Champion Asuka: my pick is Asuka, I am hoping that this match is just a stepping stone to Sonya Deville vs. Asuka at the next pay-per-view, that is all I have to say on this match really, I'm not into the Mandy Rose character. On a separate yet connecting topic when will the WWE learn that the whole sexy character doesn't really work in this company anymore [I am strictly talking about this company now because I don't know what other companies are doing and I don't know anything about the independent circuit.] Here are three great examples of what I mean Emmalina Eva Marie and Lacey Evans; I know this is going to sound a little bit unfair considering she hasn't wrestled yet, but for Lacey Evans I am already like "I cannot be bothered with this character." Newsflash WWE if it isn't going to work for with Emmalina, Eva Marie it isn't exactly holding my interest the third time around with Mandy Rose [here is a rhetorical question for you?] What makes you think it will work a fourth time around with Lacey Evans? [Apologies if I have got Emmalina and Eva Marie in the wrong order.]

Look there are two things that the WWE seem to forget [and I am not being a gatekeeper here but my opinions are based on history and fact.] Like "the Attitude Era" you could get away with this kind of stuff, but here's the important thing these women could wrestle first [generally speaking in most cases or do their best] and be in a way sexy second, now I am not saying that the current rosters can't wrestle that is not the point I'm trying to make here. My point is why are you trying to push or create the illusion of something sexual first and putting the wrestler second. When if you allow things to happen naturally I am pretty sure you can find at least 10 members of your audience that already find a member of your female roster sexy or good looking without them being in the character type of someone sexy and here is the second thing; I was under the impression that the WWE were in this PG 13 Era, so I ask again in a rhetorical question; why are they persisting with a sexual character in the first place? On a quick side note if these characters don't work or character type these wrestlers, from a film critic or TV critic perspective it may damage their future careers in this company.

Nia Jax & Tamina vs. the
WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions
Sasha Banks & Bayley: my pick is Sasha Banks & Bayley, I will keep this brief let's hope there is a bigger and better match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks & Bayley at the next pay-per-view.

The Miz & Shane McMahon vs.
the SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos: my pick is The Usos; please let this feud end here, now usually I wouldn't be this straight to the point and yes I haven't seen any of these matches with these teams involved. But when you have The Usos and much better tag teams on the blue brand for them to go up against and The Miz that should be around the WWE Champion picture anyway, this match doesn't benefit anyone really if we were being honest with ourselves.

On top of that here is another prediction Shane McMahon vs. The Miz at this year's WrestleMania, they will probably mess around with the dynamic from this perspective Shane McMahon [heel] vs. The Miz [face] which is going to feel really awkward, because The Miz is a natural heel, so why don't they both be heels and build the storyline around these two characters/performers just really, really not liking each other, that would be better viewing throughout the weeks to see how these two could outdo one another in getting under each other’s skin.

The Shield vs.
Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre & Bobby Lashley: my pick is The Shield [a little prediction; with Lio Rush making a mistake somehow which costs Corbin, McIntyre and Lashley the match.] Now I really don't care that I may have said something like this before, because it needs to be said again and again until the WWE realizes that they're mid-card on apparently their flagship show is becoming a joke, in fact the more I think about it the more I am leaning more and more towards Raw needing a complete restructuring on how to deal with 3 hours and [if you think I am being harsh I see this sport/sports entertainment as a TV program,] so they get the same treatment as if I was watching something else and trust me when this company do something different or something to this effect I will give them credit, all I am saying is I am not one of those people that deliberately finds fault or enjoys picking on something just to get the views.

Slowly moving on now it doesn't matter how many characters/performers, they call-up to the main rosters, because that isn't the problem; the problem is how the WWE are booking Raw for what seems a long time now. The reason why I am disgruntled is because you have or they have so much potential there already that it irritates me so much to see it going to waste; in this uninspiring way. Just to make this crystal clear this has nothing to do with how I would book these characters/performers. My point here is basically this; do something or anything with these characters/performers which breaks the mold of the current state of Raw it is that simple.

Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch with the stipulation of If Becky wins, she gets added to Raw Women’s Title Match at WrestleMania: my pick is Becky Lynch. Well if you have made it this far in this blog, it shouldn't be any surprises to you that either way I don't like this stipulation, it just feels lazy and unimaginative because yes I want this Triple Threat on the biggest stage of them all Wrestlemania, but I am thinking of the weeks of programming before hand and there potential storylines and in fairness and balance it has nothing to do with Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch or the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey, in a nutshell it depends on how much the WWE screw up this absolutely fantastic golden opportunity to put women's wrestling front and center on the biggest stage in professional wrestling ever.

Kevin Owens vs.
the WWE Champion "The New" Daniel Bryan: my pick is "The New" Daniel Bryan, but speaking of golden opportunities we have another one here where any outcome can be made into a positive, where it could be Kofi Kingston vs. Kevin Owens with or without the WWE Championship changing hands here and yes with Kofi Kingston winning at WrestleMania in a Triple Threat Match.

There is another option that could be taken Kevin Owens vs. the United States Champion Samoa Joe at WrestleMania which would mean Kofi Kingston vs. the WWE Champion Daniel Bryan one-on-one, so as I have pointed out there are options available to them here, I still prefer the Triple Threat idea with Kofi Kingston winning the WWE Championship, so there we are done for another pay-per-view.

Last updated: 05/04/2019

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