Wednesday 6 March 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 1 by by AverageMansReviews

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 1 by by AverageMansReviews

Now if I am going to cover this subject consistently, not all the time, I want to make this crystal clear, I may come across as sometimes disgruntled or angry it is mainly down to I want these two companies to do well, I was thinking I would point that out from the very beginning and the only reason I have picked this title is because it is either becoming like that or it is like that and on top of that I have so much to say about this topic anyway.

The facts are on a personal level: if I could just watch everything connected to NXT and the WWE film titles on a cheaper price than what it is currently or now [I haven't looked and I don't want to] just to get what I have outlined then I would purchase the network, but for everything else I can take it or leave it as in I may watch Raw and SmackDown Live, to get a rough idea or something like that if I had to watch one; based on current information it would have to be the blue brand; for three reasons, it is one hour less than its apparent competition Raw, their shows are consistently better of what I see of including the general consensus and [this reason is going to be controversial but still factual based] they have a brand champion which is on TV consistently. I feel my next point maybe silly but still very valid, let's put it this way at the moment these two programs are not series linked on my TV schedule.

I am finding it incredibly difficult not to be disgruntled with this company, these feelings or opinions have been boiling up for years, but lately it has that kind of the final straw feel to it, where what do they expect from us really in my next couple of lines or paragraphs I will be giving you some examples of what I mean.

The Tag Team divisions: they are a shambles I am making reference to the men's divisions [even though at the moment you have the right two tag teams holding them, The Revival for Raw and The Usos for SmackDown Live,] they will probably mess this up somehow possibly in one situation or both, I want to see what SAnitY can do, I am speaking from the perspective of I can't stand it when it anyone or any number of characters/performers haven't been given the opportunity to show what they can do.

The Intercontinental Championship division or picture: well what division/picture, yes I know Finn Bálor is the holder of the moment, give it time and they will somehow make a mess of his title reign.

The United States Championship: is there still a title picture for this championship or do they just give it to people/performers that they have nothing else for them to do [I am not criticizing the people/performers that have held this championship recently] I am specifically talking about everything else but these performers.

Update Wednesday 06/03/2019, I have just found out that  Samoa Joe is the new United States Champion, I will keep this short and sweet he is precisely what this championship needs to give it back its credibility, I am seriously hoping that the WWE don't mess up this opportunity as they did with a previous holder of this championship, make it long and eventful and one last thing, it is about time that this performer/character had a championship reign, it took long enough.

There is no harm in me saying this; I do my contents in advance, as it relates to these documents there is a good possibility you will see updates of this nature quite consistently.

The Universal Championship: well this is a joke in itself, you have some top quality stars on your apparent flagship show like Rollins, Ambrose [when I began dictating this,] McIntyre, Strowman, Bálor, Lashley, I mean I wouldn't use the next name here but he is here nonetheless Corbin, possibly, Ciampa [update Wednesday 06/03/2019 he is currently injured,] possibly Gargano, possibly EC3 and possibly Black [once again when this was dictated I have no idea what is going on with the last four names on this list, even when they are all fit.] But my point is what are they fighting for, that is right absolutely nothing, because where is your Universal Champion? On a quick side note updated on the same day I would prefer to see Ricochet on Smack Down Live challenging for the WWE Championship, the more I think about it the more I like this idea, just based on who is on this show right now and on top of that the more I think about it hopefully it would get us the viewing audience and Ricochet away from the tedious, irritating and quickly boring storyline about the height difference. I must stress I have no problem with anyone's differences, it doesn't bother me. I'm strictly talking about the WWE relying on this storyline element.

Storylines/Character developments/Away from the cameras: they come up with storylines to fit what they want when they want, including pressing the reset button to try and get things going again or to improve the TV ratings and from a film critic/TV critic perspective these storylines are very poor, sometimes exploitative and just not fun to watch. Which if this is the case there should be no surprise that the character developments are generally speaking wafer thin, predictable or in some cases a complete guess to who  is face and who is heel this week. I don't know how they did it but they really screwed up with Rusev Day, instead of understanding there were positives with this; they basically crushed it, but then again they pretty much crushed Rusev's last United States Championship reign as well, his latest tag team thing may work out, but they have really blown it not once but twice with this character/performer.

I want to clarify this from the very beginning of this paragraph this has nothing to do with the fact they are a different gender, but now and again I did feel bad for the female/characters/performers because throughout the next bit you will see why; Ruby Riot vs. Natalya storyline about her father which is no longer here, this was exploitative and in bad taste. Basically they put lots of effort into a performer they want and they are lost when the audience is telling them who they like such as Rusev Day or originally Becky Lynch. I mean at beginning of Becky Lynch's meteoric rise, they were trying to tell us she was a heel, but their audiences wasn't buying it; it got to the point where the WWE had to just go with it, I have never understood this about this company where they get a clear; 100% clear reaction to a performer and instead of going "We may have gotten this wrong" then rather going with it and changing the storylines [which would probably increase TV ratings] they will try and in a nutshell fight against it or something else.

I am not saying they have to do it every time, but in those rare occasions where your audiences are telling you overwhelmingly something, you would think logically once in a while they would use the free information to make a bigger profit margin and it is more confusing when you have a natural heel in Charlotte Flair anyway as it relates to the Becky Lynch situation.

Moving on how much they might want to try and tell you that Asuka was the first Woman's Royal Rumble winner, there is a big question-mark over this; just look up Miss WrestleMania Battle Royal at WrestleMania 25 and you'll see what I mean, but it does depend how technical you want to get, all I am saying is there is enough evidence to say she is based on it being at the Royal Rumble, but no if you are looking at the bigger picture and how about the first Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WWE Money in the Bank, I refused to see Carmella as the winner based on the facts it was won by a man and technically if there are no disqualifications he should be the winner, in short it would help if the WWE wouldn't taint their women's divisions here is a great idea how about seeing these performers/characters as people, you don't see Rollins coming out in the form of a Mandy Rose character, so why have her do it in 2019? They should be illustrating to their young audiences that they can be strong, well-rounded people with a little bit of sexiness to them or you know what I'm trying to say [that shouldn't come first, that should come later on down the list.] So at the moment all your women's championships are in the hands of performers that they could make these divisions or championships move forward on to the next level, if it should happen that another female is doing another sexy gimmick out there, I don't have a problem with this gimmick if it is done properly, but this version of this sexy gimmick comes across as a cliché and nothing of a personal imprint has been used here.

But there's more away from the cameras, you have superstars getting into trouble or personal topics allegedly or a employee disrespecting your fan base, for no reason and I have heard and indeed got this software to read to me what was said [because I have never hidden the fact I'm not a strong reader,] just to make sure I didn't get the wrong end of the stick and I didn't and I watched a report on it as well, there is a very good reason why I am bringing this all up and I will explain in my next sections of this blog.

Why join All Elite Wrestling: straight off the bat as I am sitting here I know very, very little about this company. But I can still make quite a few points on why wrestlers should join this company: I know my first point is going to sound really, really funny to outsiders of this community, but for those people inside this community you will understand straightaway. So I will start here wrestlers like to wrestle and when they are not being given the opportunity or screen time or matches then they will get understandably disgruntled, so if the WWE isn't going to give them what they need or want, then they will go somewhere else and I could be completely wrong about this because I don't know. But I'm getting the distinct feeling that the amount of money that the WWE could be offering their stars isn't going to be enough for them to stay, like I said earlier wrestlers like to wrestle.

The atmosphere around this company could be completely different in every single way; their storylines/character developments could be better rounded and makes sense in getting rid of the glass ceiling which the WWE is well known for having, so basically anyone in All Elite Wrestling could be Champion or Champions which in time makes your Championships valuable and means something as all the performers are fighting and scratching to get their hands on them.

It has to be said from my perspective that behind the scenes the WWE sounds and feels toxic, I base this opinion on everything I have said earlier in this blog, just for arguments sake if I am wrong about this; in my defence on street credibility not everything sounds harmonious around this company at the moment and even if I could wrestle I wouldn't wrestle for the WWE; they would be at the bottom of my list. I would have to be somewhere, where I could build my career and it mattered, so All Elite Wrestling would suit me down to the ground, where I began on the ground level and help to build up this company. I'm not saying when this new company gets up and going there won't be some friction somewhere, you have to expect it from time to time when you are dealing with many people, but the toxic feeling I get when I hear or see anything online on a consistent basis nowadays just tells me this will not appeal to me.

All Elite Wrestling, sounds like they want to offer something different where the smallest detail matters and they are forward thinking, which translates into yes the WWE should be worried or at the very least concerned, because it now means they have to offer better things for one example better TV contents and doing things half measure are no longer going to cut it, so they will have to be on the ball every day, making sure that all their contents make sense and on a quick side note having a different Universe between NXT and the rest of your main roster is not a good start.

So throughout this blog in one way or another I have highlighted why a wrestler would want to leave the WWE and join All Elite Wrestling and if or when I do an second blog to this topic, I will put more in about All Elite Wrestling but at the moment it is just gathering speed and a reputation, but for some strange reason I don't see this company going away anytime soon.

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