Monday 25 February 2019

Trolls 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Trolls 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, mental imagery, cultural elements, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Musical numbers: this may sound like a strange comment, but it will make sense as I go along or it is the best way I can describe it anyway. Now without giving too much away, the storyline leans too hard on a predictable formula to begin with which is best associated with these kinds of animated film projects, but maybe just before or after the opening section [it is difficult to pinpoint.] My point is this it begins to lay on top of this; everything to make it stand out or at least tried to make it stand out from every other similar title to this one and based on my marking I would consider this to be a success, don't get me wrong the storyline is still there, but the more you watch of it the better it gets.

The musical numbers, well I have to give praise when it is due at least this title tries to get different genres of music in somewhere, be it in the musical numbers or anything else, there is something in here for everybody. I have always been secretly critical or I may have voiced it at that time [I can't remember] of the music in most of these titles, not the classics or the good ones just the run-of-the-mill and worse ones, for one absolutely top class reason, if you're going to have musical numbers or elements in your projects, at least show your viewers of any age there are many kinds of music out there, as I am of the alternative varieties I am very much aware it would be unwise to have anything too aggressive or mature, but there are many upon many different genres out there and it isn't just the same things or styles; in this day and age of 2019 and beyond, we should be showing our younger generations that there are many different tastes and types out there [yes I am aware that I have just made myself sound very, very old.] But if or when you choose to watch this project with or without your family you will see what I mean.

Artistic visions/Comedy level: simply put this title is very colourful and it doesn't hurt the eyes, there is imagination in this project such as for one example the making of cupcakes, this can be seen as both as an artistic vision and a comedy element, these two elements have a lot to do with one another just for one more brief example; the character with the name Cloud Guy who has the fist bump sequence and other elements is a character you should look forward to meeting at some point in this journey.

Action sequences: in a nutshell these elements are enjoyable as well.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are something reliably safe but interesting at the same time, moving on to the performances they are all good [voices and singing.]

This film receives: 9/10, as you can see once this title stops leaning on this storyline formula so hard it can be great fun

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