Monday 11 February 2019

The Equalizer 2014 by AverageMansReviews

The Equalizer 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are words and a number on screen, slow-motion effects, background music, voice-over elements, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, mental imagery, cultural elements, quick moving effects, time jumps and place jumps.

This title is slow, but now having taken two seconds to think about things, this project does find its pace of sorts when this right hand-man character with tattoos comes into the project. I mean it isn't the most quickest anyway but between this right-hand man and our main character individually or together they seem to stabilize this title and of what I can remember so there is always the possibility of I could be wrong, but I think it slightly gets quicker through or just around the final quarter area.

Storyline: this storyline is something safe and reliable.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, an exercise element and combat elements. Now I am somewhat stuck here, because I don't want to tell you too much about this sequence, simply based on the fact it happens right towards the very, very, very late stages of this project, but I will call this sequence shopping by night, this sequence shows imagination in its contents and how it was put together; it is all good.

Now where the artistic visions come into it; it is where this right-hand man character; he has so many tattoos; that are covering a high percentage of his body [well of what we can see of it anyway,] whomever designed/put these tattoos on this character/performer there has been a lot of work done here and I will discuss these tattoos again in the next paragraph, but for now all I can say is you won't be able to miss them and they look interesting.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are very predictable, at least with this main character with tattoos, the viewers should be able to get this feeling; that this character has all the whole marks of being a psychopath [I should just point out this is not just based on his tattoos,] but let's just say if they wanted to imply that this character/performer has been around, possibly seen some highly questionable things, done some highly questionable things and other things on top of that; well they have sent out the right message here, but his general character developments and other elements make him out to be a psychopath as well.

Moving on to the performances, there isn't much to say about them really they are solid and they are what they are; this is not a bad thing, there is chemistry or friction depending what characters/performers we are talking about at that specific time or at a minimum just able to keep the film going.

This film receives: 5/10, with taking everything into consideration this mark is just about right in one way or another [I couldn't justify a higher mark, but it is somewhere between this mark and the next one up after everything is said and done] before I wrap this up I am thinking I should dictate a disclaimer which basically says this; I am not saying that people with any form of art on them or in them or anything other is a or are a psychopath or anything other, I'm just talking about in the boundaries of this project and nothing more.]

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