Wednesday 13 February 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 3: Teamwork by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 3: Teamwork by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another excellent episode

4 things about this episode

Moral message elements/Storyline: there are moral message elements in the storyline and they are to do with the environment, generally speaking this storyline gets better as you go along, without saying too much; The Power Rangers are in a pairing or trio dealing with different things at some points in this episode.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: I may as well talk about these two elements at the same time, because they had a lot to do with one another, the audience will see these individual Dinozords show off a little bit of their abilities and the camera work/other contributing elements show these to be excellently shown and lots of imagination was used in these scenes and sequences, slightly moving on the viewers get to experience the Power Blaster for the first time [when all 5 special individual handheld Power Rangers' weapons have been combined.] Power Rangers' colour and weapons; Black Power Axe, Pink Power Bow Yellow Daggers, Blue Power Lance and then Red Power Sword; standing behind this weapon something similar to half of a moon shape tightly grouped together so The Red Power Ranger/Jason is standing in the middle and if you look really closely depending what Power Ranger and their position they may be hands on shoulders or something like this [roughly] and then the Power Rangers say Power "Rangers "a little pause with the monster/Rita Repulsa usually realizing I or we may be in trouble here then The Power Rangers saying "Fire" I stress this again; this is just a rough description with this massive beam of power coming out.

This episode receives: 9/10, now at the very last minute I changed my mind on the mark, because be it The Power Rangers dealing with two situations at the same time or the artistic visions and the action sequences in one way or another, including the new weapons/the new weapons being combined to make one stronger one, this mark feels better suited for this episode.

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