Wednesday 20 February 2019

Blood Father 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Blood Father 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The thing is with this title; on one hand it takes such a long time to get going, but on the other hand at some point it does get going, that is all I can say about it really.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used and chasing elements. Here is one action sequence for you to look out for; there is this motorbikes sequence involving our lead partnership [on one motorbike] and two bikers on two separate motorbikes and because I don't want to give too much away, I will just say this sequence like many other sequences in this title have been constructed neatly and efficiently.

Storyline/Character developments/Performances: the storyline in a nutshell has real substance as it makes consistent points [not only in the storyline, but the character developments as well,] as the daughter is in a train wreck of a lifestyle and a father that has a lifetime of misdeeds behind him with one big regret. These character developments are individually or together beautifully dysfunctional and functional with a mixture of both. But in short if you have ever wondered what Martin Riggs [from the Lethal Weapon franchise] would have turned out like if he was a criminal [I must stress the backgrounds of these two characters are different,] I am specifically talking about a rough description; this character is the nearest version to answer that question; such as mentally quick, verbally comical with mature or dark references, with a complicated reaction to what happens in this title from this perspective; the viewers get this feeling that this reaction is a mixture between unhappy but also happy to be back in this lifestyle [like I said it's complicated,] on top of that you have this daughter that is noticeably more educated by books than street smarts. The chemistry between these two characters/performers is fluent, feels very natural and heart-warming. These two characters/performers haven't spent much time together, but for here and now in this title, this female/daughter needs her father/someone like this in her life to try and keep her safe and be on the same level as her kind of with years of these kinds of experiences [this will make better sense when or if you choose to watch this title or not.]

This film receives: 8/10, after taking everything into consideration this mark is well-deserved, if it does have one problem which I have already discussed in this review.

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