Tuesday 1 January 2019

Turbo: A Power Rangers 1997 MovieAverageMansReviews

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is poor

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, voice-over element, background music, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat elements on, in and under the water sequences, training, torpedoes [camera angle; the viewers are riding on them before they reach their destination you will have to pay attention because these elements are small and brief. Now moving on to the artistic visions combining of these Turbozords to make Turbo Megazord is always entertaining to watch [it doesn't matter which generation, I should quickly point out I have not seen all of the generations of the Power Rangers and the forms.]

Comedy level: in this sequel we get to see more of Bulk and Skull which is always a good thing and without giving too much away we have a telephone call or something to this effect between evildoers.

Character developments/Performances: now this is just an observation but is Divatox meant to be sexy? [I mean if you ever watch this film or generation of this TV program you will know what I am politely trying to say,] it is one of those occasions where there is enough here for me to point out what I have just said and the performances; the more I think about it the more I think like this; they are either poor or good, I know that sounds a little bit cut and dry but I have been sitting here wondering in my head what is the best way to put this and I don't want to be too harsh on the replacement [this will make sense when or if you watch this title or generation] so I have decided to put this character on the good side, because this character assists with the other Rangers character developments from this perspective briefly keeping an eye on this character and many other things.

This film receives: 3/10, the change from generation to a new generation of Power/Zords/other elements is quick, done and dusted where of what I remember which I could be wrong about this; but I am sure they used to spend a little bit more time with imagination and magnificence in building up to the transfer on to a different person or onto the next generation of Zords, I mean in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 1995 we have a two-parter transfer [spiritual/other power without giving too much away,] but in this film as I have already said it is quick, done and dusted which is disappointing, but to leave this review on a positive this title does have good elements through it some I have mentioned in some I have not [and before someone points it out; yes I know technically speaking finding your spiritual element is not the same as a power from a Zord, but back in the day it was a power of sorts that came from within] and one last thing a Power Ranger takes off his helmet when there are evildoers around, I'm wondering if this is not the kind of information you want to give away freely

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