Sunday 20 January 2019

Æon Flux 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Æon Flux 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, background music, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

The entire movement of this title is something I don't like, be it the background music or the pacing or anything other, it's just unappealing and makes this film really hard work to watch [in fairness this is not the only reason why this film is poor.]

Artistic visions/Action sequences: on both counts these two elements can be good on the eyes or simply put just not, I will give you two things one of each to look out for in this title, but before I do this; the difference between something of real individualism or you know of something positive for me to talk about or something to this effect compared to something which isn't, the gap itself to begin with is huge and on top of that the switches between these two different levels is quick, often and sudden. So for the next couple of minutes, I will be positive the fly scene or sequence shows real artistic vision, it is something visually elegant and subtle and for an action sequence [you could also see this sequence as an artistic vision as well.] The action sequence I am making reference to is where our lead role drops these little yet sophisticated metal balls [something similar to ball bearings] and let's just say when our lead role whistles these metal balls will come rolling [I will be discussing these two examples again in the next paragraph.]

Character developments/Performances: continuing with being positive, the character developments of our lead role is for some elements really well shown, as in the fly sequence or the little metal balls sequence she is quiet and patient to catch this fly or in the metal balls sequence, she will gather information or this liquid and then escape, for the rest of the character developments they are poor. The performances well this is one of those times where our lead role, Theron makes the best out of what was given to her, whilst generally speaking the other performances are poor [on a side note and in a nutshell I don't include Postlethwaite in this; because he only does some tiny scenes and I don't think it would be fair for me to tar him with the same brush.]

This film receives: 2/10, as I have already said in one way or another this title does have some good bits and pieces, but for a majority of it; it isn't fun watching.

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